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"Oh, Francesca." Ria gushes, a smile slapped on her face as she picks lent off my elegant dress. "You look gorgeous."

I'm currently wearing a silk red off-the-shoulder dress with a slit showing off my toned porcelain thighs.

"Thanks." I match her energy, as I stare in awe at my reflection. It has been so long since I felt like a bad bitch. My energy had been deflated and my heart has been ripped to shreds in the last few weeks.

I haven't fully recovered from the attack. Shit, the whole family hasn't, but that leaves little excuse to just sit around.

With Dominick dead, the Valentino's have been stronger than ever. It seems like everyday we get closer and closer to finishing off the Russians.

Even with their leader dead, they haven't gave up on attacking. Especially, now that Vincenzo's father, Mariano, has made it clear he is working with them.

"Do you think I'm gorgeous enough to get your brother to rail me tonight?" I wiggle my eyebrows watching Ria's face twist in disgust.

"Gross, but yes. If he doesn't then I sure as hell will," she responds with a wink. She takes red lipstick from her makeup box and applies it to my lips.

"How is the whole Maple situation going?" I pop the question perhaps a little too bluntly. Maybe, it's none of my business, but I was the one to encourage her to get girlfriend back.

Ria sighs, the smile falling off her face. I almost immediately feel bad for even asking.

"I have located her a couple days ago." Ria trails off, using a curling wand on my hair. "She's hiding out in Melbourne."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. "Australia?"

"Yup." Ria frowns, biting her lip. Her eyes become glossy as she goes deep into thought. "Maple and I used to come up with these silly dreams together. One of them was to leave all this-" She throws her hands in the air, emphasizing her words. "-and retire early in Australia."

I reach for Ria's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. My heart goes out for the two complicated lovers.

Honestly, I can't bare to imagine going through what Ria is going through but with Vincenzo.

Vincenzo only asked me to go on a date with him for the first time today. Of course, he asked in a very "Vincenzo" type of way.

"Go get dressed, Francesca." Vincenzo mutters, cleaning one of his many guns on his desk. "We are going on a date."

He was demanding as fuck, yet it was so damn sexy.

"Forgive me for pressuring, but your face is a dead giveaway, Ria." She is like an open book when she's depressed. "Are you wanting leave the mafia?"

At first I don't think she is going to answer. Or better yet, I believed she was about to snap at me. Her jaw is clenched roughly, her knuckles turning pale from clenching a mascara bottle.

"Yes." She finally admits. "I want to be far away from anything crime related and live on a beach house with Maple."

She swallows the truth like it hurts. "I fucking know that dream is impossible. Nobody can leave the mafia and get away with it."

She's right.

I'm almost positive Vinnie would let her go, but she would constantly be under attack by other mafia empires. Staying under the radar would be nearly impossible.

"Enough about me. I'll grow some lady balls and get my girl back someday, but you-!" Ria grins ear-to-ear. "-You have a date to go to."

With that, she pushes me out the door, tossing red heels my way. "Have fun!"

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