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Unknown POV

-A few days before the attack-

   My shoes drag against the muddy grass as I head towards my dreadful destination.

A small, run-downed house in the middle of nowhere is in the mist of a soon-to-be thunderstorm.

The sky is a dark blue almost purple like hue with heavy clouds lingering above.

It's like the weather can sense my gloomy mood.

"I can't believe I got myself into this mess." I mumble under my breath as a tear leaves my eye.

Rain starts to pour as I bang my fist on the door. The wood rattles underneath my fist.

Footsteps near the front door patter against the hardwood floors.

The same hardwood floor that gifted me splinters the first night they kidnapped me.

"Oh good." The door swings open harshly. The same man who decided to threaten my grandma's life was standing before me.

He whips his head around, making his eye-watering smell demolish my nostrils.

"Don't just stand there. Get in, moron."

I swallow the lump in my throat as I step through the threshold. The smell of oaky wood and whiskey was present.

"Did you place the listening device where I told you to?"

I nod my head with a sigh. I'm such a horrible person. I regret ever getting into this mess, but I can't just abandon my sweet old grandma.

"Good. Now will finally be able to kill two birdies with one stone," his sadistic grin shows off his yellow teeth. "Take down Vincenzo and that bitch, Francesca."

"Dominick?" My voice quivers as he stares down at me. He is a short man, but he still beat me by a couple inches.

He hums under his breath, his hands busing himself by pouring liquor into a shot glass.

"How is my grandma? Is she still alive like you promised?"

He licks his lips, setting down his glass. "Of course. You will get your sickly bitch of a grandma back right after we take down the Valentino family."

He knock back the glass before pulling out his phone. "Here is some proof."

He flashes me a picture of my grandma sound asleep.

My heart aches at the thought of her being all alone. She can't take care of herself. Dominick's henchmen better be taking good care of her, like I was promised.

"Now get lost. The Russian's will attack in two days. I don't want to see your face ever again." He turns back to face me. "Am I understood?"

I nod, rushing to get the hell out.

"Oh, I decided to be a generous man and transfer fifty thousand dollars to your bank account."

I freeze in place. That's enough money to get away from all this. I can take my grandma and finally move to Australia.

Grandma could be happy and live her last couple of months in peace by the ocean.

"I suggest you take your grandma and move far away by tomorrow," Dominick chuckles as if he can hear my thoughts. "I won't be as friendly if I run into you the day I attack. Might even kill your pathetic ass." He mumbles the last part making me shiver.

I run straight out of the door hurriedly. I need to start packing today. As much as I cared for the Valentino family, I care even more for my own flesh and blood.

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