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Ria's POV

   I sit in my bedroom with Maple's head in my lap. I really have fallen for this sweet woman.

After saving Francesca and the other ladies that were harmed from the "Red Sword's" wrath I took Maple on a date.

He drank champagne and ate seafood on a yacht under the moonlight. I would have never thought I could be a romantic, but Maple Thompson made me one.

I drove her home and we had the best fucking sex I have ever experienced. Who the fuck knew that Maple had a needy little sex drive.

A book is in my hands that I can't focus on. I have reread the same long paragraph five times already.

I look at Maple to see her eyebrows drawn together. She seems to be deep in thought. Her curly hair lazily sprawled in an oval shape.

I close my book shut making her jump. Only this time, it's me who knits my eyebrows together. Why is she so jumpy lately? Every little noise has been startling her for the past few weeks. I'm starting to worry.

I brush my hand across her bare stomach, feeling her become tense.

"What's on your mind, beautiful?"

The forest green eyes that I have fallen in love with hold a deep sadness. I want nothing more than to take all the problem away from her, but if she doesn't let me in, how am I supposed to do so?



I get the same damn response everyday I ask her. I'm starting to hate that fucking word.

Oh, it's nothing.

Nothing is wrong.

It's nothing. Just thinking.

Maybe some persuasive techniques can make her talk. I start to trail my hand downwards on her nude body. She shivers but sadly grabs my hand.

"Now I know something is wrong, Maple." I mumble, easing her hand up to my lips. I peck the pale, soft skin and let out a pouty whine. "Why won't you be honest?"

"I am. I-!" She closes her eyes and sits up. My eyes follow the delicious curves her body has to offer. The little bounce of her full tits sends a feeling straight to my clit.

Fuck me.

"We need to talk." Her voice shakes. I can tell she is on the verge of tears.

"Beautiful, you can tell me anything. There is no need to be closed off."

"I-I know, Ria." She pushes a hand through her long hair. "I know, but I did something really fucked up."

I see tears start to leave her eyes. They trail down her cheeks, all the way down to her neck. I hate to see my girl friend cry. Maple deserves happiness.

She starts to pick up the dress laying on the floor. I can't help but frown this time. Hey, I took that off your body. That dress fucking stays off.

"What did you do, Maple? I'm sure we can fix it."

She lets out a humorless chuckle. The look in her eyes are so sad yet cold. I start to get off the bed, finding my own clothes.

"You're going to hate me, Ria." She sobs, sinking down to her knees. "I-I don't want you to hate me. I love you so much but my-!" She starts to hyperventilate.

"Oh God, Maple." I finish putting on my jeans and run over to her. "Maple." I say her name softly, wrapping my arms around her petite body. "Breathe, Maple." I wipe away her tears and rock us back in forth.

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