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It's been a month since I have been working for the Valentino crime family

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It's been a month since I have been working for the Valentino crime family.

I swear, every single day becomes crazier than the next.

But, today was just damn boring. I sit on a wide windowsill, with my legs to my chest and the book "The Iliad" in my hands.

I let out a deep sigh, looking out the windows to see a beautiful sunset.

The orange-yellowish sun was barley peaking out, but the pink and yellow sky seemed like it was glowing.

I set my book down, deciding I need to get out of here.

My old Porsche was apparently stolen when Vincenzo decided to kidnap me.

All I can think of with a deep frown is some fat old man taking joy rides in it.

My poor, poor car.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen where some keys are kept in a drawer.

I grab the first ones I see and hope that nobody will find out I snatched their car.

Vincenzo had multiple garages on his property. Finding the right car in the right garage had me running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Needless to say I am out of breath by the time I find the white Mercedes.

I hop, sticking the key in the ignition and drive off.

I drive myself over to a little run-down bar called the "Smog pub."

I immediately grin when the familiar smell of booze mixed with fried chicken enters my nose.

"Long time no see, Walsh." A voice with a southern twang greets.

"Beau!" I immediately lean over the bar table to give the man a giant bear hug. "How have you been?"

He moves a piece of brown hair away from his eyes. "Busy but good. I heard you're no longer working solo."

I nod, biting my cheek. It sucked not being the boss bitch-ass independent woman that I was.

Now I worked along side the Valentino's.

....At least I'm making more money.

"I'll fill you in on everything, Beau, but first I need to get a little drunk."

Beau chuckles but nods. "Of course, Walsh."

I roll my eyes at him calling me by my last name.

Beau was a close friend of mine, that I met shortly after my parents were killed. He was the definition of a human teddy bear.

He could make anyone smile and of course get anyone drunk.

Beau hands me a cherry cocktail colored a deep and brilliant red. My favorite color of course.

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