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The smooth ripples of salty ocean water rocked against the huge yacht Vincenzo and I are currently in.

Vibrant stars from above twinkle in the sky providing a little light during the dusky time of day. The moon is out and glowing more than it ever has, at least that's what it seems.

In front of me, a calm and collected Vincenzo takes a bit of his medium-rare steak.

This is like a dream come true!

A date with the hottest man alive. Inside a super expensive yacht. Under the moonlight.

I don't think it can get any better than this.

"This is so delicious! You didn't even tell me you had a whole ass boat!" I grin widely, finishing up my half-eaten mashed potatoes.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, amore." His large hands rests on top of mine. The feeling of his calloused hands are enough to make my arousal build up between my legs.

This little date is the perfect pick-me-up after moping around for weeks. After Dominick died I stuck to myself. I was mentally and physically wounded, but now...I feel resurrected in a way.

I sip my wine as I eye the man in front of me. Vincenzo seems to have changed too. At least he looks like it.

His eyes aren't as dark as they were when we first met. There is a certain twinkle in them. And I hope I'm the main cause to his changed attitude.

After some chit-chat and more than plenty servings of wine, we finish our meal.

"Cheesecake or Cannolis for dessert?" Vincenzo clears his throat bringing me out of my own thoughts.

The moonlight hitting his tan skin gave him a sexy glow. His dark tattoos peaking through his suit sleeves just add to his smoldering looks.


I need him inside me, right this second.

Standing to my feet, I chuckle when I spot confusion morphing his sharp features. I carefully walk to him, swaying my hips.

"Francesca, what are y-!"

I cut him off by straddling his lap and roughly pressing my lips against his.

"Fuck." He groans making me smirk against his lips. I can feel hard-on press against my aching core.

"I need you." I whimper, wiggling my hips to relieve the tension between my legs. My whole body feels obnoxiously hot, waiting for him to just take me.

Vincenzo's rough calloused hand grips my jaw, forcing me to look him in his beautiful stormy grey eyes.

His lustful hard gaze making my knees weak. Thank god, I'm straddling his lap or I would fall.

His lips smash against mine with a passion I've never felt before. This kiss was different. It's not like the others we shared before.

My hands slide into his dark soft hair. I pull him closer to me so our chests were pressed flush against each other.

His tongue fights mine for dominance, needy yet passionate at the same time. With flushed cheeks I open up giving him what he wants.

A moan slips out of my parted lips against his. His hands grip my hips, his thumbs pressing into the flesh of my thighs. By now my dress is hitched up and begging to be torn off.

"Tell me what you want, amore." Vincenzo moves his lips to bite the sensitive skin of my neck.

Throwing my head back, I rock my hips against his thigh like the needy slut I am right now. "You inside me..."

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