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My nerves were out of the roof, as I sneak out the Valentino's estate. I wore a black tank top with baggy camouflage pants, the clothes were the first thing I saw.

I dig in my pockets for car keys to the black Mercedes, but stumble when someone slams into me.

"What the-!"

"Oh my child, you scared me." Helene clutches her chest, breathing heavily.

"I frown, looking around frantically. Looks like it's just me and her in the garage. Helene wore a light blue apron with white lace around the edges.

"Sorry." I mumble, guilty. "What are you doing out here?"

I tap my foot, hoping she won't ask the same question but directed at me.

"Well, I was polishing the cars like I always do at night." She giggles, brushing back her grey hair. "You just missed me jamming out to the greatest hits of the 60's!"

I can't help but match her giggles. Helene gives me a warm motherly smile before fixing me with a pointed look. "What are you doing out here so late, honey?"

A take in a deep breath not knowing what to say. I could lie but my mind is not working fast enough.

I bite my tongue from telling the truth. Could I trust this older woman to keep a secret? I bite my cheek weighing my options.

She steps forward, grabbing my chin to tilt it downwards towards her short height. "You can tell me." He blue eyes were swirling with warmth and curiosity.

I pull away from her hand, showing her the duffle bag. "I need to leave for Ireland. The secrets from my parent's death are there." I wince at the tough subject to talk about. "I'm hoping to find out as much as possible."

Her face morphs into a indifferent expression. "D-Do you know who killed them?"

I frown, wondering why she wants to know this. Apparently some Russian guy. Not sure about his identity though."

She gives me a slight smile and nods. "Best of luck, child. I'll tell Mr. Vincenzo that I didn't see you leave."

I pull the frail woman into a hug. "Thank you, Helene."

{} {} {}

I drag my heavy feet through a very familiar rocky trail. The deserted area was covered in a canopy of overgrown trees. Wild grass and weeds were up to my knees as it trudged away.

My breathing becomes unsteady when I catch sight of the familiar cottage.

The white paint on the exterior was chipped and stained of age. The wooden door had a whole in the bottom, leaving a small whole for tiny animals to walk through.

Green moss laid on the roof and sides of the cottage.

The cottage used to be a home full of heart-warming moments and love.

The kaleidoscope of memories rushed rapidly through my head. A pounding headache begun to bloom.

Tears pricked at my eyes, I let them fall freely without a fight. I push open the door, finding it unlocked.

I step inside the gloomy household, gagging at the reeking smell of mold and stench. It has been vacant for years, the place was starting to look run-downed.

On the couch, splatters of dried blood was still visible. My parent's bodies were long gone though.

As I predicted, a small rodent scurries away leaving me in a squealing mess.

Of all the fucked up scary shit I've done, I'm still scared of mice.

I cover my nose with my elbow from the reeking scent. Rummaging through my duffle, I pull out the pistol, just in case.

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