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"Follow me." Gio shouts over the gunfire. His calloused grip tightens against my skin.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I hiss back at him. Maple and Ria completely disappeared behind a close door.

Vincenzo was now where to be found and I wasn't sure where Lorenzo was. Gio growls in irritation, "Fucking listen woman! I'm trying to save your li-!"

I twist out of his grip, aiming the gun behind him. I pull the trigger twice, letting to bullets hit some guy's throat.

"I don't need saving, you arse." I simply reply, running upstairs to find the others. I hear the familiar footsteps of Gio behind me.

Sighing, I turn around aiming the muzzle at his forehead. His icy eyes widen a bit before going emotionless.

"Your the fucking rat, aren't ya?" I laugh as realization dawns upon me.

He sputters over his words, his lip curling in disgust. "No! I'm fucking not the rat, Francesca. I thought you were!"

Scoffing at him I laugh emotionlessly. He really was a convincing manipulative little shit.

I squint at him, looking dead in his eyes. "I'm not the rat! You are."

"No I'm not dumbass." He retorts, and out the corner of my eye I see him reach behind his back.

Oh, he thinks he's so slick.

Before he can grab whatever it is he was grabbing, I kicked up my foot from behind, smashing his groin with my heel.

"Shit. What the fuck, you bitch?"

I smother a giggle with my hand over the rapid gunfire. "What a pussy."

While he continues to hold his private area, I run up stairs leaving him behind.

I'm still not sure if I can trust him. Gio reached behind himself like he was going to pull a gun out.

He could be the rat.

"Vincenzo!" I yell, breaking out into a coughing fit. Smoke grenades were out in the open, freshly spewing nauseating fumes.

My eyes water from the smoke, as I stumble upstairs. I need to get out of here somehow.

My hand latches into a doorknob, I twist it hoping there is a room with a window behind this door.

To my surprise it is. I ingulf the clean air, quickly slamming the door shut.

The room looked to be a simple guest room. The sheets were neatly made up and pillow looked to be freshly fluffed.

I spot the window, running over to it. My eyes can't help but wander the below. I better be prepared to climb down. To get to the concrete, I would have to climb down for a while, hoping not to slip and fall to death.

Taking a deep breath, I open the window. This side of the house was clear. No rivals were here yet.

I wince as the ball of my foot touches the hot rod below. The sun seemed to be beaming down on that specific stupid metal.

Ignoring the struggles, I climb down, only scraping my knee twice on bricks.

Finally, my feet touch the rough concrete. My hair blows in the wind, completely out of control.

I need to find Vincenzo.

Worry consumes me. I hate to admit it, but I have gotten fond of that arrogant mother fucker.

Dressed in a oversized button up t-shirt, super short shorts, bare foot painted toes and a messy bun, I make my way to the front of the estate.

The water fountain was acting as a guarding post for the invaders. The tattoos on their skin catches my eye.

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