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Francesca's POV

DOUBLE UPDATE! Go read chapter 26!

Complete and utter chaos. That's exactly what all this is.

I'm kneeled on the stage, bright lights blinding fifty percent of my sight. Although half blinded, I can make out the familiar silhouette of Vincenzo.

The masked people who were once filled in the rows of seats scatter like roaches. Some escaping through doors while others sit around to watch the future unfold.

I smile with tears in my eyes as I see Ria and and Gio by Vincenzo's side. The other men apart of his crime family flank both side of the auditorium.

I actually might make it out alive.

My hopes and prayers were answered when Gio runs over with a pocket knife in hand.

"Let's get you out of these ties." My wrists are finally freed. I rub red marks the ropes left behind.

Fucking Dominick! I swear to all that's holy, I will be the one to fucking murder him!

I get to my feet, wincing at my sore muscles. I want nothing more than to run into Vincenzo's arms, but the act of committing vengeance is stronger.

God, that feels so weird to say. Vincenzo and I aren't even officially anything. Yet, here I am struggling not to suck his dick in front of everyone.

I run behind the curtains back stage, ignoring all the gunfire that is going on, and that's where I find Dominick fucking Kuznetsov.

"Hey fuck-face!" My voice carries over the screaming and gunshots. I'm beyond pissed and practically seeing red.

He's facing an exit door, and his back is facing me. Oh wow, it seems that he was trying to escape Valentino's and my wrath.

Well too damn bad, fucker. You messed with the wrong bitch!

I kick off the uncomfortable heels on my sore feet. I want to be looking my best when I kill Dominick, but I don't want permanent damage on my feet.

The ache in my side throbs like a bitch, but not enough to stop me from what I'm about to do. Dominick goes to push open the exit door, but I'm quick to grab him by the back of his neck.

We are the same height which made fighting an almost equal playing ground. Of course, his bully body made me look like the size of a needle, but I won't let that discourage me.

"Where do you think you're going?" I spit out the words like venom through my teeth. I dig my overgrown nails into the skin of his neck, gripping him harshly.

Throwing him on the ground, I dodge his elbow that I swung at my nose. "Solnishko." His gruff voice growls.

I go to kick at his ribs, but he rolls over just in time. "I should I have killed you when I got the chance. I should have fucking done it in front of your bastard parents, Francesca."

My nostrils flair at the words coming out of his mouth. My lips tighten as the feeling of anger consumes me. How dare he bring up my fucking dead parents! The asshole murdered them and has no fucking remorse.

I dodge a few punches he aims my way. My eyes dart to the corner of the room. A gun that seemed to have fell out of his suit pocket when I threw him down is laying there lonely, ready to be used.

He follows my eyesight to my dismay, making a move to obtain it. With a deep breath and a painful grunt, I tackle him to the ground.

We both go into a struggle. My nails scratch at his face, blood drips from my lips from from his knuckles colliding into my face, and the fucking ringing in my ear from the gunfire in the background is slowly making me get more and more impassioned to end this son of a bitches life.

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