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  "Francesca!" Someone screams my name as they bang their fists against my door

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"Francesca!" Someone screams my name as they bang their fists against my door.

"Holy ghost, would you just shut up and go away!" I groggily, croak out and pull the duvet over my head.

It's way too damn early for this!

My body instantly curls up into a ball and goes back to sleep.

I groan as the banging starts up again.

"Damnit Ria!" I shout, jumping out of bed.

I grab a silk pink robe hanging on the back of a chair, Ria let me borrow.

I slip it on my partial nude body and open the door.


Ria winces at my growly voice. Then like a lightning bolt, a sunshine smile makes way on her face.

"Get dressed. My brother, you, and myself are going to the mall." She cheers, her eyes were full of blasting stars.

I internally groan. Shopping absolutely sucked!

Having to walk around, wait in a checkout line, wait for people to get the hell out of your way.....

"No thank you." I'm about to shut my door, but Ria pulls the puppy eyes on me.

I huff, crossing my arms.


I shake my head. "No, besides, I didn't know Vincenzo was the shopping type?"

Ria lets out a loud snort. "He's not. It's my other brother, Lorenzo, going with us." I make my mouth into an "o."

"I will buy you lunch-!"

I cut Ria off with a whine. "Fine. You sold me. I also want you to buy me ice cream."


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I hold three colorful pastel bags on my left arm with my phone in my right.

"How much longer, Ria?" I groan as my feet ache.

My pink stilettos were not helping my feet pain.

"Francesca, we only been here for two hours." She retorts as we walk inside a Gucci store. "Only two more stores left."

Lorenzo lets out a loud groan. "I agree with, topolina. My legs are killing me."

I laugh when Lorenzo cracks his back.

"I swear you two are like children." Ria mumbles under her breath, before taking a dress off a clothing hanger.

After a few minutes of whining and waiting, Ria walks out looking stunning.

"How does it look?" She winks at me before twirling like a ballerina.

The dress was a simple leather black color that hugged her curves.

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