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Of course Gianni was too big of a bitch to come after me himself.

Instead he sends hired assassins who are weak.

I dig my phone out of my suit and immediately call my right hand man.

"Giorgio." I speak right when the call goes through.


"I need you to find out the name and identity of Gianni's hired hitman. The fucker sent another weakling." I growl, balling up my fist.

Gio's end goes silent before I start to hear the click of his fingers typing on the keyboard.

"Found them, V." Giorgio announces with a slight chuckle.

"Well who is he?"

"Not a he, Vincenzo." I tighten the hold on my phone from annoyance. Why can't he just straight up tell me.

I have very little patience.

"Spit it out, Giorgio!"

"Okay okay, man." I can hear the loud gulp he makes.

"HER name is, Francesca Walsh. From the looks of it, it looks like she has worked with Gianni for a couple years now."

He sent a woman to try to kill me!?

"She's know as the "man-eater."

"I need more info, Gio." I look behind me at the women dancing and chatting. "What does she look like?"

He lets out a long whistle. "She's fucking hot, I'll tell you that." His gruff voice is cut off by yelling in the background.

"What the hell?"

Gio's voice comes out muffled and so does the female voice that is fussing.

I smirk when I hear Gio apologize to the female with a guilty tone.

"Sorry, man. I'm visiting my Mom and she flipped the fuck out when I called the woman hot."

Sighing, I rub my temples; I can already feel a headache forming.

"Anyways where were we? Oh yeah...." He trails off, clearing his throat.

"She is twenty-two years old and is from Ireland. Fair skin, red hair, blue eyes....She's a typical pretty Irish girl stereotype."

"Great. Thanks." Before he could respond I end the call and scan the ball room.

My eyes immediately land in the red haired goddess talking to my sister.

Francesca's back was to me giving me a view of her cute perky ass.

Too bad I have to kill her.

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