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     The soft melodic noise of a violin plays in the backyard of my room. Well, our room technically. Vincenzo and I share a room, yet he hardly spends nights in here.

I switch off the radio and grab one of the many books off a large black shelf.

When Vincenzo asked me to sleep in his room permanently, I expected him in bed with me too. However, he has been dedicating these past 3 weeks to plotting the "perfect" assassination of his father.

He SHOULD, in my objective opinion, be spending time in MY pussy.

I open up to the bookmarked page in my book, my head resting on the chilled window. My feet are reclined on a bay window's cushion.

I silently watch the flowers outside start to sprout in the garden. Helene wears a long blue dress as she picks fresh tomatoes from the garden.

I missed the old estate, but this one is slightly bigger with a greenhouse attached. I spent the past few days caring for a variety of flowers and sketching pictures in the spring air.

This place gives inspiration to my inner-artist.

"Francesca." My name is yelled across the threshold. I sigh, setting my book down and walk downstairs to a frustrated Vincenzo.

"Yes, Vinny?"

He smiles when he sees me, tugging my hand so I fall into his arms, my cheek resting on his chest.

I can't help but grin too when he kisses the crown of my head, his fingers weaving through my hair.

"We found where Marino is hiding, amore. We leave tomorrow to finally put this fucker in the ground."

Tears prick at my eyes at hearing the excitement in his voice. These weren't sad tears they're very much happy. Vincenzo will no longer be in pain when Marino is gone.

Vincenzo must since my emotion because his happiness quickly fades into concern. "What is it? What did I-!"

I sniffle and cut him off with a chaste kiss on his lips. "Hush. I'm fine." I whisper softly, looking into his beautiful grey eyes. The pad of his thumbs wipe away the tears from my eyes.

"I'm just so happy for you."

{} {} {}


Francesca is currently asleep in bed. I told her to get some rest, especially since she insists on coming to murder my father.

I wanted nothing but to join the warmth of her body, but I have something very significant to plan.

Everything is ready and carefully planned out for Marino's death.

I have Gio tapping into the security cameras and shutting them off, Lorenzo cleaning gunsand other tactic weapons, and a whole lot of men scoping out the place Marino is suspected to arrive.

It seems like everything is lined up and ready to go. This is almost too easy.

Everything is going according to plan, and hopefully that includes the plans after the assassination.

Proposing to Francesca.

I rummage through my cluttered desk stacked with endless amounts of paperwork.

I haven't been keeping up with Vale Co. My mother's old company that's been in her family for three generations needed to be kept alive which is why I decided to come back and get some work done.

Also it's the perfect place to hide this engagement ring. Francesca is a beautiful nosy girl who likes to snoop around.

I open the burgundy velvet box and stare at the gleaming vintage red ruby in front of me. The giant oval ruby is surrounded by several diamonds encrusted on the silver band.

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