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"You look beautiful, Francesca." Ria pushes aside the curtains to walk in my changing room.

My red hair is braided, resting on my right shoulder. A extravagant white bridal dress hugs my every curves.

The faint smell of cologne lingers from Vincenzo being here a couple minutes before I showed up.

"Really?" I grin, admiring my figure in the mirror. After have twins it took a couple months for my body to recover.

Post-pregnancy left me with thicker thighs and slightly wider hips, features that I have grown to love about myself.

That's why I am thrilled we waited a couple months after me giving birth to have a wedding.

Almost six months after Vincenzo came back to me, we are finally tying the knot.

"Are you kidding me!? You are by far the prettiest bride I've ever seen." Ria gathers my shaken sweaty hands. "And I've been to a lot of weddings."

I'm so nervous. In less than five minutes I have to walk down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams.

I'll soon be Francesca Valentine.

I can't wait to share the last name with Vincenzo and my two gorgeous kids.

"Knock knock." Lorenzo waltzes in casually with Cameron peacefully sleeping in his arms.

"I think little Cam wants to wish his mama good luck." Lorenzo whispers, handing me my son.

His sweet little face now rests against my chest. My fingers reflexively run through his curly black hair. Cameron let's of a soft coo making my heart melt.

My three month old looks like a spitting image of his father. His curly black hair, dark grey eyes, moody personality.....

It was the perfect opportunity to name him Cameron, a name that is sentimental to Vincenzo.

I kiss Cameron on his forehead before handing him back to Lorenzo.

Suddenly the soft melodic piano starts to play. My heart beat immediately spikes as Lorenzo and Ria go to take their places.

I peek through the curtains to see Tommi walking my way. Since I have no father to walk me down the aisle, why not use the man who saved my fiancé's life and happens to be a friend of mine?

Ria holds my daughter Florence in her arms, as she throws petals on the ground.

Tommi gives me a charming smile, gushing over how pretty I look. We hook arms and gracefully walk towards Vincenzo.

Vincenzo stands at the alter with a smile of his face, his grey eyes take in every inch of my body before finding my teary eyes.

He wears a classic black tuxedo with a dark red rose sticking out of the pocket. The red flower matches the arrangements scattered across the church.

I stop right in front of him, giving him a teary grin. I attempt to blink away the tears not wanting to destroy the makeup Maple did for me.

"You're breathtaking, amore." Vincenzo says breathlessly making me blush.

"Right back at ya, Vinny."

The priest comes forward, quoting scriptures that I'm not familiar with and giving us vows to recite.

Maverick comes trotting with a small silk pillow strapped on his back carrying our rings. I pat his head watching him purr before running off.

Vincenzo slips the ring delicately on my finger then kisses the back of my hand.

I do the same, a tear escaping my eyes.

"Just kiss!" I chuckle as I hear a familiar voice scream from the audience. Gio wears a smirk giving me a thumbs up.

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." Our family and friends chant.

Wow, they're just as eager as I am.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest rolls his eyes, trying to hide his amusement.

Vincenzo pulls me in, his hand cupping my cheek, his other pressed against the back of my neck, holding me close. His lips brush against mine before gifting me with a passionate searing kiss.

The audience screams and cheers, while I pull Vincenzo closer to me.

     I sip on a glass of champagne with Florence in my lap, Cameron in Vincenzo's lap.

Florence is dressed in a fluffy pink dress, babbling baby nonsense to me. I grin, giving her cheeks a soft affectionate pinch. She has my green eyes and lighter colored hair compared to her brother.

After all we have been through, I have to say I have never been happier. I don't think it's possible to be any happier.

I have a loving handsome husband, two beautiful children and friends in my life. Such an improvement from about a year ago.

Life is far from perfect, but I have definitely made the most of it and I am grateful for these outcomes.

I give Florence another bite of my wedding cake before leaning in to kiss my husband.

"I love you, Vincenzo." I close my eyes resting my forehead against his.

"I love you too, my beautiful Francesca."

The End.

A/N- Annnnnd scene! Hope you liked this book! ❤️ let me know your favorite part!



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