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The red bottom heels on my feet click on the marble tile as I follow my target to a private room.

Dorado Alvarez.

He's a middle aged man with a messy man bun and beady little eyes. The wrinkles around his mouth are visible up close, his breath reeks of alcohol and smoke.

I slip my dress' spaghetti strap off my shoulder, teasing the obese man. Dorado's chapped lips pull up into a sharp smirk.

Gianni Morelli hired me to assassinate him.

The Morelli crime family was one of the most dangerous mafia's in America.

Well second dangerous.

The Valentino family is the first.

My job was to seduce the man then kill him. That's exactly what I'm going to do, minus the sex.

We enter a V.I.P room in the 'Pink Tigress Strip Club.'

His dumb ass thought I was a stripper. He literally came over to me drooling like a hungry dog, as if I was a juicy piece of meat.

Dorado just made my job easier.

I close the velvety pink curtains in the V.I.P room.

Dorado licks his lips and pats his lap.

What a perv.

I sway my hips to an old Britney Spears song. I slide my thin red dress off, revealing my strapless bra.

Dorado's brown hands grab my hips in a firm grip.

His thumbs pressing into the meat of my thighs.

I can't help but laugh like a maniac as I know what I'm going to do next.

I quickly yank my gun off my thigh holster and point it at his head.

I enjoy seeing his brown eyes widen in fear. His face goes pale, and his grip tightens on my hips.

"Nighty night, dog." I whisper and pull the trigger.

A soft click was heard as the bullet slides easily through his thick skull, like butter on bread.

Thanks to the loud music and the silencer on the end of my pistol, the soft click goes unheard.

My perfect manicured hand slides the gun back in my thigh holster and I pull up my dress.

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