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Mature warning ⚠️

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" I gasp at the furious tone, as I walk in the door.

Vincenzo is standing high and mighty, his arms crossed making his biceps bulge.

I let out a small sigh and look to see Helene giving me a worried look. Her pale hands held a yellow sponge, and lavender scented cleaner.

"Well? Are you going to answer me, Francesca? You were gone for over two days."

I scoff, "It was exactly two days. No more and no less." A hint of a smirk plays on my lips, at my attempt to lighten up his anger.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. In fact, his anger surges like pure fire.

He walks over to me in long strides, grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. I gasp when his hand leaves behind a stinging sensation on my ass.

Did he just spank me!?

"Put me down." I kick my legs only to make my loose shirt ride up.

We go up the stairs while I continue to kick. "I'm gonna' murder you alive if you don't put me down." My screams are ignored.

"Bloody hell, Vincenzo." He drops me roughly on his bed, glaring daggers at me.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" He starts, running a hand through his hair. A habit he only has when upset or angry. "Running off like that? You should have-!"

I raise my hand, surprisingly making him stop
right in his tracks. "I am alive and fine. You need to chill."

"Chill?" He chuckles, unamused. "Fucking chill? "Francesca, are you that dense? We have a rat on the loose. Marino is attacking sending his members after us, and you think this is a game?" He scoffs in disbelief.

"You know what?" I start, knowing whatever comes out of my mouth will put me into some type of deep trouble. "Fuck you! I mean bloody fucking hell, I have problems too, you're not the only one who does."

I'm standing up now, matching his tall stance. Still, he towers over me, but I don't back down.

Before I know it, his hand grabs my neck, roughly pinning me against the wall. "What-!"

He cuts me off with his lips. I'm beyond shocked as they start to move against mine. The warmth building through my body has me jumping up to wrap my legs around his waisted. He easily catches me, a smirk resting on his lips.

It feels so long since the last time I felt those lips on mine.

Not wasting any time, his hand gives me arse a hard squeeze, before tossing my body on the bed. I bounce a few times, groaning at the loss of contact. I move to slip off my shirt but he beats me to it, tearing off the silky fabric.

His rough hands, trail down my side, leaving a trail of warmth as he does so. I pull his head towards me, needing to feel the warmth of his lips again. My fingers weave through his curly hair, tugging him even closer to me.

I tug on his bottom lip with my teeth when he tries to pull away. But, instead he groans out my name with his deep husky voice. "Fuck, Francesca." He rests his head against mine, attacking my lips once again. My hands make contact with his chest, pushing him down flat on the bed. I straddle his waist, feeling his hard-on beneath his sweatpants.

"You're so fucking perfect, amore." He stares up at me with dark, lust-laced eyes.

"I need you, now." I moan, rolling my hips against him. He lets out a soft moan of his own, squeezing my hips harder. Vincenzo flips us over so he's on top. He leans over my shirtless body, taking in the view with hungry eyes. I wore no bra today, making less clothes to remove, joyously for him.

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