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   I sit in front of Vincenzo's desk on a leather couch, with my legs crossed.

"So...." I trail off as he cleans his gun.

I don't know if Vincenzo is trying to taunt me, but it is not working.

"You will be working for me now, Francesca." His grey eyes connect with mine. "If you chose not to, I could always kill you."

I suck in a deep breath, sort of spooked to the core.

But, me being me, I let out a small chuckle. "That's so hot, Vinny."

He licks his lips before looking at me with an annoyed look.

"Watch it, amore. I'll get Maverick to eat you." Vinny warns, letting his large hands pet the relaxed Jaguar.

I hear Maverick start to purr and roll over on his back, belly up.


"I'll work for you, asshat." I stand up and offer Vincenzo my hand to shake.

His lips pull up into a little smirk, taking my hand.

"If you turn your back on my mafia, I will kill yo-!"

I cut him off with a loud snort. "Yeah. Yeah. I know, you will kill me. Whatever you say bud."

A scowl morphs on his face before walking towards the door.

I watch his cute butt as I walk behind him.

"I will show you to your quarters, and my sister will get you a suitable pair of clothes for your first job."

My ears immediately perk up.

"I have a job already?"

"We have a job. It's only a small one." He replies, emphasizing the word we.

After walking down six steps of stairs, we stop at the second floor.

I forgot to mention this was a three story mansion.

I wonder if he pays taxes?

"The last room to the right is were you will be staying. My sister is down the hall, last door on the left."

I nod feeling giddy about living in this mansion.

I only lived in an apartment my whole life. Sure I had money, but I always bought designer clothes and electronics.

Hi! I'm millennial and I waste money.

I skip over to my room and push it open. It had a lock on it which, I would ask for a key later.

I gasp as my eyes travel the room. It was absolutely stunning.

The wall paper was gold with little pink flowers as a border.

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