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"Oh, for fuck's sake...."

A long string of colorful curses leave past my lips as I stare in a mix between horror and shock.

I feel someone press their palm into my lower back, forcing me to take a few steps forward.

Three girls were kneeling on the floor, tears streaming down their watery eyes. Red clothed gags tied around their heads to suppress screams they may make. Their hands tied with zip ties, behind their backs.

Even though the girl's were restrained and looked frightened, they were each dressed like princesses.

My heart stops and the blood drains from my face once I realize what is going on.

These girl's are surrounded by tall bulky men dressed in elegant suits and polished leather shoes.

"As I said before, Francesca." I shiver as Dominick speaks near my ear. His hot breath prickling my neck. "I couldn't just kill you. Not when you can make a very wealthy man."

I drop to my knees as I'm pushed towards the carpet. I wince at the situation I got myself in.

As if Dominick's little sentence wasn't enough to confirm my fears, a bulky Dude steps forward to shake his hand. "The bid starts at 1.3 million for Francesca Walsh, correct?"

Dominick chuckles, staring me right in the eyes. "Of course, had to go down a few digits because of the ugly scars and bruises stained on her body."

"You men are all the same, I swear to heaven."

A guard whips his head around with a scowl. He reaches in his pocket to pull out a matching red gag the other ladies have.

"Don't you fucking da-!" I cut off as I'm smacked in the face by Dominick. "Shhh, filthy whores don't get to talk."

Before I can respond with a witty remark, the red cloth is tied around my head, silencing me.

I watch in horror as Dominick winks and exits the room, leaving me with a bunch of misogynistic men and ladies who have no clue how to fight back.

Goodness, I can never catch a break!

Ain't no rest for the wicked...

I slump my shoulders in defeat. I wonder what Vincenzo is up to? Is he even alive!?

{} {} {}

Vincenzo's POV

It has been almost a week without any luck of tracking down Francesca. I had little to no leads on her location nor the Russians.

I slam my fist down right as I receive an email through the laptop I bought a couple hours ago.

I open the message from Gio. As of right now he has been completely missing in action. My bets are that he is at a safe house back in Italy. He follows a similar pattern every time he runs himself into deep ass shit.

I'm currently in the usual place with my family. Although I am far I caught sight of Francesca being sold on the dark web. Hopefully, this will help you find her.
Contact me when you have a plan, fratello. I will be more than willing to help.

Best regards,
Giovanni Agorate"

He fucking found me a lead to find Francesca!? It felt too good to be true. Taking a deep breath, I click on the link and am immediately transported to an online human trafficking site.

"Fottuti maiali."

Sure enough Francesca's beautiful face is on the site with an auction price starting at 1.3 million.

"Ria!" I holler, throwing a cup of pins against the wall. The ceramic glass shatters into hundreds of little pieces.

"Vincenzo, are you all right?"

I turn around to see Ria looking worried with a startled Maple who is hugging Ria's waist tightly.

"Get in contact with as many of our allies as you can. We leave this shitty safe house by tomorrow at sunrise."

I exit the laptop while ignoring the thousands of questions from Maple and Ria. They arrived two days after I came to the safe house.

Luckily, the both of them were not harmed. Ria told me Maple was a smart individual that helped them escaped. She keeps trying to persuade me to let her officially join the crime family.

"Would you just please t-!"

"No!" I growl out, pivoting my foot to stare at Ria. "You'll know exactly what is happening tomorrow. For now, do the fuck what I said."

With that being said, I walk out of my office and into the basement. Weapons upon weapons were on racks connected to the walls.

I'm going to take down the mother fucking people who took Francesca. Not only did they take her, but they also almost took Lorenzo's life.

Lorenzo is currently with a friend of mine who patches up bullet wounds in his own house. I will forever be grateful to him for saving my brother's life.

I grab silencers for the handheld guns and attach them on. The guns will be prepared by tomorrow morning. I want to take the Russian's by surprise.

Not only was the Russian's giving us trouble, so was my dear old sperm donor.

Marino has apparently payed some mercenaries for my head on a silver platter. I swear, it's like the universe fucking hates me.

Setting the prepared guns aside, I go ahead and pack up some mini grenades. I have no clue what to expect. Tomorrow could be a super easy negotiation or a bloody fucking mafia war.

All I hope is to take back what is mine and end the fucking competition between the Russian's and the Valentino crime family.

A/N- I don't know why but people are asking if this is the end. It's not! I set book to complete when I take a hiatus. Sorry for the confusion. Might take it off if it's really a big deal.💀


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