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Gianni's body drops to the floor as the fresh whole in his head is smoking.

"That looks like a major headache." Francesca comments, I can tell she is in pain due to her strained voice.

I look down at the little magnet for trouble. Her red hair was messy in a few places. Her grey tank top was ripped and she was holding her thigh.

"Oh amore, what am I going do with you?" I smirk as I here the girl gulp.

"Why the fuck did you leave without letting anyone know? You could of got killed, Francesca." I growl out.

She leans back, stretching out her arms with a little wince.

"I got bored, Vinny."

Sighing, I pick her up and carry her to the car bridal style. Her leg was bleeding rapidly.

Her small turn-up nose and lip was bleeding as well. I sit her in the from seat, dabbing a tissue on her face.

"Thanks." She mumbles making me grunt in response.

I speed down the empty roads and get to the estate in a short time.

I grab Francesca, gently, being very careful not to hurt her wound.

"Wow, you really do care...." She smirks up at me.

I simply roll my eyes in response. This girl has no mute button.

I set her in the counter in my bathroom, studying her.

Sure she was cracking bad jokes, but it looked to be a facade.

Her usual bright blue eyes held mischievous tendencies and joy, but right now it looked liked something was bothering her.

I'll be the first to admit I am not a man of many words.

I never seen the point in filling silence with voice.

And I never cared about asking if anyone's okay, yet here I was asking Francesca what's bothering her.

"What's wrong with you?" I grumble out as I take a cloth to dab at her face wounds.


I tilt my head to the side, shrugging my shoulders.

Vincenzo sighs as he wipes blood off my face.

His touch was surprisingly gentle. His inked hands went to work with applying gel on the cuts.

I hold my breath, praying that Vinny doesn't notice me blush.

"You sure?" He speaks once again, I can tell it's forced. He definitely does not care.


Truth be told, the faces of my deceased parents kept running through my head.

Francesca ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now