~Chapter 2~

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{A/N: This is time skip = ---<---<---<---<--- }


This is the fifth time I failed to talk with him, either I didn't found him anywhere or the circumstances stopped me from doing so. Also my exams were approaching, so, I guess I should drop my plan for meanwhile and I should better start studying for exams. But what I was most bad in was physical training classes.

I am good at learning about the , ghoul biology, investigative procedures, quinque use and eventually scored good in these topics but I always messed up in physical training classes. In physical training classes we had to learn hand to hand combat and martial arts and occasionally the instructors used to give us small quinques, which we actually had to use on some certain objects. The only memory I had of physical training classes were freaking out in my hostel room for hurting people in those classes.

Jeez, if in future I ever become a ghoul investigator I would be the worst of worst's. I never really wanted to be an investigator; I am here only because my parents wanted me to 'serve for my country'.


Exam vibe was in the air, and the worst exam was approaching that is physical training exam. I might somehow pass the combat and martial arts classes but how will I even attain the live quinque exam!! I might harm anyone!!

"Sensai is there any way I could skip the quinque exam? You know how much terrible I am at this."

"Sorry Kyoko-Chan, this is the most important exam and there's no way you could skip this exam."

"But why ???"

"Because after being a investigator you HAVE to use a quinque and you know that."

"Is there no way you could help me, sensai ?"

"No, but there is someone who could make you learn about how to use quinqes like knives but he is kind of vicious, so I would advise you to practice harder and harder by yourself." After saying this, our instructor left the room.

"Well now who is he?" sigh.

Here I am struggling with this shitty exam and this man is playing words with me. Wow.

After sometime, we were asked to gather in the physical training class for the exam. We had three quinque choices – Knives, metal rod and a Katana. I was ready to fail in this exam and that's why I chose the easiest one that is the metal rod, hopefully it won't hurt anyone badly.

After getting those quinque, some cadets were pretending to be like super heroes and then there was me who was getting mini panic attacks every once in a while.

"Okay, students get ready and maintain silence; we will start this exam after a minute.......WAIT A MINUTE, where is Suzuya again??"

"Sensai, that freak must have ran away as he always does."

"Sensai, we should start the exam without him; he is going to fail anyway."

"Hush, Students didn't I asked you guys to maintain silence!! Is there anyone who can find him and bring him here??"

Suddenly gossips were heard, guess no one really cared about him and no one was willing to bring him here.

"umm...Sensai can I go and bring Rei here?"

"Kyoko-Chan are you sure about that?"

"Yes I am!"

"Well then you can."


After a pause the instructor said," Students we will start the exam now, one by one you guys attend it and Kyoko-Chan and Rei-Chan will give the exam at very last."

{A/N: I know this chapter is hella boring. It's already the second chapter and yet Juuzou didn't even make a real appearance. Jeez I'm such a disappointment (;_;) , sorry I disappointed you guys.}

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