~Chapter 7~

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Another holiday, another relaxing morning and another beautiful day. My heart doesn't minds at all to go outside in days like this and do something creative. This morning I decided to go to the garden of this academy and make some beautiful floral tiaras. Flowers and their beautiful colors have always attracted me, such a beautiful creation of nature. I dressed myself in a floral outfit and couldn't help myself from admiring my own looks.

Hmm I feel so pretty.

Now, in my case 'feeling' beautiful was far better from 'looking' beautiful. Seems like I was built different.

While I was running through the path, lost in my own sweet little thoughts, I crashed with someone and my body lost it's balance and was about to fall on ground then suddenly two hands grabbed both of my wrist and saved me from falling down.

"Oh come on silly at least use those beautiful eyes of yours!!"

"Oh I am so sorry Juuzou, I was kinda lost in my own thoughts."

Wait a damn minute!! Did he just called me Beautiful??

"So where are you going?"

"oh!", I tightly held his wrist, "Tell me are you going somewhere now?"

"Nah...Just strolling around~~"

"ok then!! Come with me!!", I took his hand in my hand and ran towards the garden.


"Umm...so what are we doing in this garden?"

"Well I'm here to make some tiaras and you are here to try them."

"Make what?"


"Eh? What is that supposed to be?"

"Well you will know that in a while~~"


Then we both sat on the ground and flowers were around us. Meanwhile, I was folding the stems of the flowers to keep them in a certain order.

"umm..Juuzou about last day I'm sorry."

"Oh come on! You sure use some great amount of apologies and what are you even sorry about??"

"About the words I said to you at the very last. I kinda thought that I went too harsh on you."

"But I didn't mind at all~~ yeah but you really did beat Hiroshi's ass..hahaha it was just too fun to watch."

"Boy you seriously know how to cheer me up. I appreciate it!"

Juuzou was just looking at my hands, how my hands were making those.... Maybe he was trying to learn to make tiaras.

"aannnddd this is done!! Now u have to try it out~"

I handed the tiara to him.

"uhh....Where am I suppose to wear this?? On my neck?? Or on my wrist?? Nahh it's just too big for my wrist!! Kyoko-Chan don't just look at me....Help me out!!"

"Silly!! Wear it on your head....like this", I placed the tiara on his head.

"How am I looking?", he asked innocently.

"As adorable as always!!!" I pulled his cheek and smiled at him.

Why is he so adorable?? :3

"Ha Ha thank you CuppyCake~~"

"heh? CuppyCake??", I tilted my head and got confused.

"Yeah!! That's your new nickname~ this kinda suits you too."

"Wait a damn minute!! Is this because I look fat???"

"No silly!! It's because you are cute~~", he said in a teasing manner and I pouted.

"you know what! You are a certified freak.....you just wait I'ma find a weird name for you too."

"Aww you look more cute when you get angry~~~~" he said while laughing loudly.


While we were making fun of each other, we heard some footsteps coming near us. It was a group of girls from our class. Chieko, Katsumi and Machiko.

They were one of those popular girls trio who used to wag their tails around those who were holding some important post.

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