~Chapter 4~

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"Hey Rei!"


"I see what you did there!"

"Huh? What do you mean??"

"I mean...I was talking about your perfect targets."

"Oh that! Well that was nothing~"

"But you were too good at it. By the way it was nice to meet with you! I'm Azumaya Kyoko." I my hand for a hand shake.

Then he looked at my hand for a few seconds and slowly forwarded his hand in order to shake my hand.

"hi! My name's Suzuya Juuzou nice to meet you Azumaya-Chan"

"well, first of all please avoid using my title you can call me Kyoko or whatever you like but please don't use my title, its kinda annoying and secondly Who is Juuzou?"

"well, I'm Juuzou and I would definitely try not to call you by your title~"

"uhhh.....but isn't your name Rei?"

Why did he went silent all of a sudden??

After that silence, I felt like Rei might like the name "Juuzou" more or 'Rei' might be his dead name.

"um... nevermind"

"Kyoko-Chan you may call me Juuzou~"


He gave me a sweet little smile.

"So friends?"

"Friends?? You want to be friends with me?" he said with a pretty shocking face.

"yeah why not? After all I would love to be friends with a Kawaii boy like ya~"

"I am kawaii???"

"Yes you definitely are!!" After hearing my reply he blushed a little.

"Anyways I guess now I should go back to my hostel and get some good ass sleep!! Hope to meet you soon Juuzou", parting our ways Juuzou went to his destination and I marched towards my hostel room.


It was a pleasant Sunday morning, a stress free morning and the nature was looking happy today. So, the very first thought that came to my mind was to go outside and sit under the shining sun and paint in my little paper with water colors. It is the best thing I could do in my leisure time and it has been days since I last touched my colors!!

I took my drawing notebook, water, paint brushes, palette, colors and some snacks in case I get hungry; ran towards an open ground and sat down on the fresh grass and scattered my belongings around. The day was so beautiful that I couldn't stop admiring it and then after a while I took my drawing notebook in my hands and started painting a landscape; after a couple of few minutes the sunlight that was falling on my drawing sheet, it was now gone. I sensed that someone was standing behind me and maybe that person was looking at my drawing sheet, then when I looked up my eyes met two scarlet red orbs, curiosity was filled in those eyes.

"Oh! it's you."

"ahhh this is sooo pretty~"

"oh is it?"

"yeah!!", his eyes was literally shinning.

"Mind spending some time with me, Juuzou-Chan?"

"ohh I would love to~", then we both exchanged a heartwarming smile and he sat beside me and he sat beside me.

"here, eat these snacks....I hope you love eating snacks", I handed him the container that contained those snacks.

"Thank you Kyoko-Chan~....by the way your landscape looks awesome"

"aww thank you Juuzou-Chan, it seems like you have a interest towards art, isn't it?"

"Well, to be very honest colorful things has always caught my interest and if you ask about art then I would like to say that I only draw animals in cross-sections and other than that I don't remember drawing anything and also my drawings aren't as beautiful as yours."

"Well thanks but I guess your drawings are better than mine, I mean what you said right now about 'drawing animals in cross-sections' I things that's a pretty artistic idea."

"oh you really think so? Then next time I would like to draw with you!! Hope you won't mind, would you?"

"Obviously I don't mind....you are always welcome."

We were chatting like we were best friends for many years, topics were just not stopping to pop up and yet it felt like seconds when suddenly we were interrupted by a hand which was upon Suzuya's shoulder, we both turned our head and saw a familiar face.

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