~Book 2 out now!!!~

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"Beautiful Angel 2" Out now! Go check it out!!

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"Beautiful Angel 2" Out now! Go check it out!!


Kyoko Azumaya, a 21 year Artist. Apparently, giving company to her best friend and roommate, Lizzie Kirishima, in her elegant flower shop.

Lizzie was enthusiastically describing her friend about her new crush, who has visited her flower shop for more than one year and Lizzie has developed a crush on him, "...I really want you to show him, Kiyoko! But man... you both come here on totally different days!!"

Kiyoko sighed and patted on her head, "Don't worry~ don't worry~ One day I will see your sweetheart for sure!"

"I just hope so... I- Kiyoko... There! There!", Lizzie suddenly got all excited.

"What? What happened?"

"IT'S HIM! YES IT'S HIM!", Lizzie's excitement forced Kiyoko to look behind her but Lizzie grabbed Kiyoko's face, "Look at him but don't make it obvious!"

"Oh okay...", Kiyoko slightly looked behind and saw a tall figure along with a short figure and then again she looked at her friend, "Umm... which one? The tall one or the short one?"

"The tall one!!", Lizzie whispered.


The tall man stood near the counter and smiled at Lizzie, "Hello Ma'am! As usual I would like to buy a bouquet of Chrysanthemums, roses, and carnations all combined.", The man had a sweet expression on his face and seemed gentle.

"Yes sir!", Lizzie replied while blushing.

While Kyoko's friend was busy arranging the flowers, she turned around and examined the tall man. The man looked at Kiyoko and gave her a sweet smile and Kiyoko returned that smile too.

"Kiyoko...?", The tall man's companion spoke up.

Kiyoko looked at the companion and gave a blank reaction as she couldn't recognize the face, "umm yes?"

"HOW ARE YOU? How come you are here?"

"Uhh... I am fine... but who are you? How do you know me?"

"You seriously don't remember me?!"

"Umm... yeah I don't remember you... please introduce yourself..."

Theman sighed and smiled a bit, "Ok fine~ Since you have forgotten about me...", theman extended his right hand in order to introduce himself, "Hello! I am JuuzouSuzuya~ Remember we used to study in the same academy?"

...continued in the 'Chapter 1'.

Beautiful Angel [Juuzou/Rei Suzuya]Where stories live. Discover now