~Chapter 3~

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{A/N: Italic words are for thoughts.}


After wondering for like twenty minutes I finally found this boy, he was playing with cats.

Seriously boy! Your exams are going on and you are here playing with cats??

"Hey there! You are Suzuya Rei, right?", he looked directly into my eyes.

Boy, he's so adorable :3.

"Yeah I amm~."

"Well your physical training exam is going on...you know that right?"

"Yeah I know~."

"Umm...so you will not attend?"

"I willllll, only if you would tell me about what choices they have given under Quinques~."

"Well umm.... There were three choices given; Metal rod, Katana and Knives."

"ohhhh....Knives huh? I'm interested~."

After receiving this sentence, I started losing words and all we did were walk towards the exam spot. I noticed that he wasn't drastically taller than me like other boys in the academy but he was like a few inches taller than me which I found really cute. All he did was hum all the way and no words, like seriously!! Did he forgot about my existence or is he just ignoring me? Sigh. But however I got to talk with him.

After reaching the spot everyone started staring at Suzuya.

Man! How the hell he takes all these glares?? If I would have received all these glares I would either kill myself or kill those people who are glaring on me.

Suzuya was patiently waiting for his turn meanwhile I got to hear some gossips about him. The gossips weren't pleasant; the gossips only contained hatred for him and nothing else. In this exam I knew I couldn't pass but yet I wanted Rei to pass, this would be tight slap on the faces of those who was talking gross about him. Underestimating someone without actually knowing them is a work of a substandard, isn't it?!

After everyone was finished Rei and I got our turn. When I took the metal rod in my hands to fight against my opponent, some of my friends started cheering for me which actually made me more nervous. I guess I was going to fail drastically in this exam. While fighting against my opponent, I got to hit that guy only seven times whereas my opponent scored ten points against me; ten was that final score so, I failed, well maybe not much drastically, I was pretty satisfied with myself. Lastly, it was Rei's turn and after that the exam will end.

"Rei-chan now choose your quinque." He immediately chose the knives.

"ok! Now stand in front of each of your target one by one, with maintaining a distance of ten feet and try to target near or on the bullseye, failing that would result in low points."

Without any other word Rei took his position.

"I am sure this bustard won't even score a point."

"Ha ha ha! True said, I don't get it why is he even trying to do this, I mean he's going to fail anyway."

"yeah, Kyoko-Chan shouldn't have brought him here, I'm sure that she will pay a price for this later."

While these cadets were talking gross behind Suzuya, he already scored four bullseye and more six targets were left. I was shocked by seeing the audacity of those cadets. After hitting seven bullseyes, we cadets went speechless because he was about to beat the student with highest score in knives. The student with highest score had hit eight bullseyes. While our Sensai was not even shocked with all these, he was just standing there with a small smile on his face and a calm look.

Ahh, he's just amazing and look at those faces who were talking shit about him.

After hitting all ten bullseyes, we knew who has ranked at the very top and that is Suzuya Rei.

I am sure one day this boy will be going to higher places.

"ok, students the exams are ended. Now as you know that the results will be out after some days, so till then you guys have holidays. So enjoy!!"

After this statement, most of the cadets went to their hostel rooms while some went to spend some time in the open air.

{A/N: so, this is the time when kyoko and Rei had their first face to face interaction and I'm really really sorry if this interaction was just too small but I would try my best to not disappoint you guys next time. Thank you! :)}

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