~Chapter 15~

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{A/N: Bold italic letters are songs. I don't own these songs.}


Today was the last day of the academy and tomorrow everyone will go to their own paths, Most of them will be Joining the CCG but there are also students who will go after other career choices.

I was going to join CCG and I came to knew that I will be a subordinate of Kasuke Houji. In which ward? I don't know. I Didn't even knew how he looked but I heard that he had a very polite behaviour. Alongside me there will be another person, working under Houji-San, and all I knew about that person was that he was our senior.

It was a busy day because everyone was either busy packing their stuff or bidding their friends goodbye. I didn't had the rush to pack up my stuff because I already did it last night. I was basically busy meeting my friends but all day I didn't saw my one and only weird friend, Juuzou. Maybe he was playing with some cats or maybe sitting somewhere and was eating candies.

I wasn't still sure if I should Join the CCG. All those killings, will I be able to do? But if I will go for other careers then my parents would be angry on me. They wanted their daughter to be an investigator, but did their daughter wanted to make this her career? No.

I never really got the courage to say anything against my parents and I am sure that even now I will be drowned under their wish.


It was now night time, a bright full-moon was shinning in the sky. This was the last night here...Strolling around at this time wasn't a very bad idea. A fresh breeze was in the atmosphere. Tonight's atmosphere was enough to make some one fall in love with nature.

I was strolling around and was humming some random songs. When I met someone familiar. Juuzou. He was lying on the fresh grass and was looking at the bright full moon. His red orbs were sparkling. There was a certain beauty in that scenario.

Then I went near him and laid beside Juuzou's angelic figure, he noticed me but decided to not utter a word.

"Hey, can't sleep?"

He looked at me, his orbs were still glimmering, "CuppyCake, there aren't much hours left for us in this academy, isn't it?"


"But after that what??"

"Umm..Maybe you will go on your own way and I will go in mine."



"You were a good friend. Thanks for everything~"

My eyes started filling with tears. My brain was just recalling all the memories. Then a tear drop came out of my eye and rolled down my cheek.

"Hey! Why are you crying??"

"Oh it's nothing kitty."

"You sure?"


"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

"Juuzou you were a good friend too."

"He he thanks~~"

Then Juuzou started humming something and I immediately caught the song and started singing in a soft light voice.

How many days have passed like this?

The city, the crowd is fading, moving on

Sometimes I have wondered where you've gone

Story carries on... Lonely, lost inside

I had this dream so many times

The moments we spent have passed and gone away

Could there be an end to this?

What I'm feeling deep inside?

You know there's no looking back

Glassy sky above~~



"It's late...we should go back to our hostels now."

"Yeah I agree with you."

Then we both sat on the fresh grass.


"Yeah what?", he then pulled my Shirt's collar, now our faces were a bit inches away. He then smiled at me and placed his soft lips on my check, "Thanks for everything, Hunnybun." , he then left the place.

I sat there on the fresh grass for another few seconds, "So he kissed me again huh? Was all those kisses Platonic?". I blushed a bit but yet I considered all those kisses platonic.

"Idiot he is just your friend! Stop blushing!!", I yelled at myself.


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