~Chapter 11~

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"Come on hurry up kitten!! Don't you remember that we have to practice??"

"Yeah yeah just let me have another doughnut~~"

"Boy you literally ate twenty doughnuts now come on!!"


"So, this is your target and just focus on this red dot and forget about your surroundings."

"Eh...are you sure using a real knife is ok? I mean we can use the artificial one."

"Nah, I don't want you to learn with the artificial one because once you will get comfortable with the artificial once you won't be able to use real knifes."

"But I don't wanna hurt anyone."

"Look at this time no one will come near this place and you don't have to worry about me, just worry about yourself."

"Damn okay!"

This was the fourth time I missed the red dot and now I'm tired of my own failure.

"It's ok Hunnybun, you can do good if you keep trying..... ok I will tell you a trick and that is hold the sharp side of the knife and then throw it on your target."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"It is supposed to~~"

"Well let's try then."

When I threw that knife the blade suddenly got slipped from my hand and the next thing my eyes saw was Juuzou's lower arm was bleeding.

"Oh shit shit shit!!!! I am so sorry Juuzou. I-"

"It's ok Candy! It doesn't pains~~"

"WHAT? How is it not supposed to pain?!"

"It really doesn't pains."

"You are going to the nurse with me! Right now!!"

"Come on that is not needed."

"SUZUYA! You are coming with me, RIGHT NOW!", then I held his other hand and took him to the nurse.

Shit! I messed up in my first class.

"Don't worry Kyoko dearie, this will heal soon.", the old nurse said with a calm smile.

"Thanks nurse for your help!"

"It's ok, this is my duty and I am hoping that this scar will face away soon from your boyfriend's hand~", the nurse chuckled.

I smiled at her and then realization hit me, "Boyfriend?"

"Yeah dearie isn't he your boyfriend?", from the sight of my eye I could see Juuzou laughing like an idiot.

"Noooo not at all... he's just a friend."

"But he is such a cute boy~"

"Eh n-"

"If you guys ever get married then don't forgot to invite me~~", I facepalmed.

"Come on oldie I respect you but don't talk like a boomer, I am never marrying this idiot."

Then Juuzou came near my face and smiled at me "Aww are you sure about that?~~"

"Suzuya, believe me I wouldn't mind you stabbing again~"

"Aww scary~~", then both of them started laughing at me.

"Uhh... now come on we have to study too!!"

"Bye bye sweet nurse~~", Juuzou happily said and then we left the room.

"soo Caramel do you hate me so much that u would never marry me~~", Juuzou said while chuckling.

"Oh come on!! Just drop this topic already."

"ohh I see you hate mee~~~"

"Will you stop it boy? Will you? Or else I will yeet you, I swear."

"Hahaha! It's so fun teasing you."



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