~Chapter 13~

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After many classes, we both were getting better in our classes. We even took tests of each other so that we could know our improvements and our lacks, but Juuzou still found some crazy ideas to not study. Sometimes I felt like I am having a stupid child who keeps eating my brain and never fails to annoy me. Sometimes I really felt like giving up on him but then I remember about our deal.

Now having a day off feels like having a whole summer vacation, but even in those day offs Juuzou never failed to annoy me.

"Ok let's make a deal...On our day offs, u don't know me and I don't know you, okay?"

"hahaha! CuppyCake it's bold of you to assume that I will stop annoying you~~"

"Ugh Juuzou!! Don't make me hate you!!"

"Will you be able to hate me?"

"Yes I can!! And I hate you!!"

"No you don't~~", he said while chuckling, "Okay fine! I won't annoy on your day offs but I can't promise you~~", he said with another giggle.


It was our day off and also it was a beautiful day, therefore, painting didn't sounded like a bad idea. So, as always I took my needed things and started searching for a good scenario. Then after a while I found a scenario which was actually beautiful, the scenario consisted of a little Kitten and my one and only weird friend, Juuzou suzuya.

I really didn't wanted to be around him in my day off but it seems like he haven't noticed me yet. So, I will just find a place to sit and will try to not disturb both the cats.

It was really ironic that how much Juuzou is friendly with animals and on the other hand he was the one who is blamed for all those killings

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It was really ironic that how much Juuzou is friendly with animals and on the other hand he was the one who is blamed for all those killings.

After I finished my painting, I thought of looking at the beautiful scenario one last time but all I got to see was Juuzou was sleeping on those fresh grass and the kitten fell asleep beside Juuzou's head.

They look so adorable.

Then I went near him to wake him up by caressing his hair.

His hair is so soft.

"Oi get up!! You can't sleep on the ground."

"Why can't I ?", he said in a sleepy tone.

"Because you could catch a cold and I don't want you to die over here."

"Ugh then let me die!!"

"Idiot get up!"

"Hush! Don't scare this little kitty~~"

"Ok then do whatever you want, I am going."

"Okayyy Rest in peace~~~"


Another day off and again he didn't failed to annoy me.


"Hmm..Ruhi-Chan, Canteen is really a good place to do group projects. Your suggestions are really good; sometimes."

Apparently, My group consisting of five people including me were working on a group project. Because we live in a boarding school, we really get to work together as much as we want, so even in night time we are working. How phenomenal!

Including me other four were- Ruhi-Chan, Takamoto-Chan, Sachiko-Chan and Hideyaki-Chan. Ruhi is the one who used to give us good ideas. Takamoto used to provide us with materials. Sachiko was good at research work. Hideyaki used to play the role of leader and he was indeed good at it. I used to help with all the diagrams. It was fun working with these people.

After working for straight three hours we felt satisfied by ourselves and now we were all tired and thought of heading back to our own hostel rooms, when suddenly everyone in my group started staring at me. I felt like they were actually not staring at me but they were staring at someone who was standing right behind me.

I looked behind me and saw a familiar face. Thepretty face had blood stains on it. The person's eye was filled with mixedemotions. The person was just standing there staring at me without causing anyharm, as if that person wanted to say me something. 

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