~Chapter 24~

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Juuzou took a sit beside me and pointed his finger towards my cigar, "Mind throwing that away?"

"Why should I ?"

"cause I said so~"

"But-", he immediately snatched the cigar from my hands and threw it.

"What the heckk!!!"

"Shut up! Smocking is bad for health! Don't you know that, dumbass!"

I glared at him for a couple of minutes, "Shawty you gonna die in my hands some day!"

"Sounds Scarryyy~~"

"So what you doin' here?"

"Just wanted to see you~"

"hmm...that's great...this might be the last time you gonna see me~"



"What do you mean by last time?"

"Well... I'm moving out of Tokyo~"

"where?", he mumbled.

"That's a secret~"

Mhmm someone is drowning in my lie~

"so you telling me that we will never meet?"

"God knows~"

That's it! Shawty totally believed my lies lmaaoo~~

"Hey can I walk you home today?"

"Well, I don't mind~"

"So, at what time you gonna leave?"

"Oh today I'm gonna leave real soon...mmm...Let's leave now~"

"Okayy!!", when suddenly my phone rang.

"Seidou? Now why is he calling??"

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Seidou: Hey! Kyoko where are you?

Kyoko: umm...I'm on top of the building.

Seidou: Ohh! Are you alone?

Kyoko: Nope. I'm with Juuzou

Seidou: Him? Tch.

Kyoko: Is anything wrong?

Seidou: Well, I was wondering if you would like me to walk you home... it's been days you are not coming with me....

Kyoko: ...

Seidou: Umm... so is it a yes?

(Suddenly Juuzou snatched the phone from Kyoko's hand)

Juuzou: No. It's a no~

Seidou: What the hell?! Why are you talking in behalf of her??

Juuzou: Because she already promised to go with me~

Seidou: You kidding, aren't you?

Juuzou: Nope~

Seidou: Give her phone back!

Juuzou: Noppee~

(Kyoko took her phone back from Juuzou)

Kyoko: Sigh. Tell me what happened!

Seidou: When are you leaving with Juuzou?

Kyoko: umm..Within five minutes...

Seidou: Oh ok ok! Then I will meet you in front of the building... I have something to tell you!

Kyoko: Umm..Okay.

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After five minutes we got down the building, and I was wondering about what Seidou wanted to say.

"Hey Kyoko! Thanks for waiting for me!"

"No problem~ umm.. so you wanted to say something, isn't it?"


"Hmm...Spill the coffee~"

"Wasn't that supposed to be tea?"

"Yeah... but I kinda hate tea so..."

"Ha ha"

"Come on now tell me!!"

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