~Chapter 25~

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"Umm... I really wanted to walk you home today but I guess I missed my chance...", at that moment I was looking at him blankly, not sure what he was trying to say.

"I really have something to say to you..."

"Say it!", Seidou started looking at Juuzou, uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to say you that...that I...Have got some feelings for you..."

Oh fuck no! shit is going in a different direction!

"I-I love you..."

Fuck! Fuck! Now what am I supposed to say??

"You love me?"


"You know right? That I'm leaving this job?"


"I am also moving out of Tokyo!"

"but will it change the fact that I love you?"

I went towards Seidou and gave him a friendly hug, "Seidou, I- umm... really appreciate the feelings you carry for me but I'm afraid that I won't be able to return those feelings to you..."

Seidou then removed my hands from his body and helf my shoulders, "and why can't you return those feelings to me!!!"

"Because right now I don't wanna pull myself into a sexual relationship and on top of that I am not really a big fan of Long distance relationships so..."

"Ok I got you...", he said in a sad tone and then used his hands to bring my face near to his face, "Then at least let me kiss you."

"Huh? No no no no no, LEAVE ME!!!", I said while trying to push him away from me but he was not letting me go from his grip.

"Please I don't know if I will ever be able to see you!"

"NO NO NO don't!!"

His lips was a few inches away from mine, I was aggressively trying to push myself away, when suddenly Seidou fell on the ground? Then I realized then Juuzou punched him hardly on his left side of face and within seconds Seidou's side face took the blueish color.

Ouch! Damn that might have hurt!

He was crying in pain and was continuously cursing Juuzou, "Seidou~ Seidou~ you have such big tongue but you lack brain~", he said while smiling, "If a girl says no then it means NO! at least in situations like this~"

Juuzou was about to punch Seidou once again, when I grabbed Juuzou's arm, "Juuzou it's ok... leave him alone, after all he got what he deserved now let's go."

"But he-"

"Leave it boy!! Come on let's go!!"

"Damn Okayy!"

After walking for a while, I looked at Juuzou and once again I failed to know his emotions, "So Candy...You will leave that apartment too, isn't it?"

"Yeah!! After all it belongs to the CCG..."

"Will you remember me?"

"Of course, how can I forgot a weirdo like you~"

"Will you miss me?"

"Maybe yes! Maybe no..."

"Will we meet again?"

"I don't know~ I can't say anything about future~"

Ugh! Why is he asking so many questions today!!!



"I will miss you~"

I guess I will miss you too but I don't want to meet you again either! I don't want to meet with anyone from CCG!

"Oh! My apartment has arrived~"

"So in how many days you will move out your apartment?"

"Umm... it will hardly take three days~ and I will be all done!"

"Then can I come and visit you all these three days?"

"No Juuzou! It's not needed! I can handle it~"

"Pushing me away huh? Good~"

"come on! Don't talk like a kid!", He was looking down, yet without any expression on his face. I went near him and rested my palm on his cheek and kissed on his other cheek, "Don't worry Kitty! I'm gonna miss you too~", then he grabbed my wrist and pulled my closer and hugged me and mumbled in my ears, "I will miss you too Sugarcube!"

After staying like that for a couple of minutes, we freed each away from one another's hug. "Bye CuppyCake!!", we exchanged a smile, "Bye WildCat!!"

And we both parted our ways.

~The End~

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