~Authors Note~

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My long ass boring story has finally came to an end.

Again, sorry if I disappointed you guys with my shitty plots and sorry if Juuzou went OC!

I really love this guy so I decided to create something on him and thus I wanted to share this with the fandom. I Know that the story kinda sounds incomplete....I mean Kyoko's and Juuzou's relationship didn't really got a chance to grew much but! BUT I was thinking about writing a book 2~

How bout that? I don't know if I will get enough view or votes. But a little love from your side will really mean a lot!

Please show some love Reader-Chans~

Also, the part 2 might take some time because I need to go and get back my life lmaoo!! But seriously, it might take some time but I will make a part 2 for sure! The part 2 might carry another title , not necessarily, "Beautiful Angel 2"....It might have another name.

Thank you,

Sending love from Juuzou and Kyoko!!❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤

Bye Byeeee~

Beautiful Angel [Juuzou/Rei Suzuya]Where stories live. Discover now