~Chapter 6~

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The instructors that were present in the main office were Tokage-San, Shinohara-San and Uchino-San.

"Kyoko-Chan is it true that you have witnessed whatever happened between Rei-Chan and Hiroshi-Chan?" , asked Shinohara-San.

"yes! It is true."

"well then, it's true that Rei is the one who harmed Hiroshi without any reason.", Uchino-San added.

"without any reason, huh?", I smiled a little, "well then, seems like my assumptions were right. Someone really manipulated the higher-ups....this really makes me laugh."

"But you can't deny the fact that Rei is a really Psychotic human and if we talk about hurting Hiroshi then it's really obvious that Rei can hurt him without any reason because around this academy he has killed many little animals without any reasons!!!", Tokage-San added.

Look who's talking.

I looked at Tokage-San giving him a deadly glare, "keeping aside the topic of Hurting Hiroshi......umm Tokage-San let me ask you that how are you so sure that Juuzou...I mean Rei is the one who's been killing those animals? I mean we don't really have any eye-witness of that, do we? Maybe there is someone else who is killing those animals and using Rei as their scapegoat....."

"What do you mean?" , Uchino-San asked in a harsh tone.

"oh no no no, I mean nothing... I am just mentioning some possibilities as you can see I have used the word 'maybe'...umm...so anyways, we are not here to talk about some dead animals, we are here to talk about the incident, isn't it?"

From the side of my eyes I could see the frozen face of Hiroshi and on the other hand I saw Juuzou's face which was filled with questions, but first things first, I will really heated up about the fact that my sentences can actually put Hiroshi in some serious problems and he might loose his beloved post too. The devil inside me was laughing more and more, as if it was ready to take down Hiroshi any moment.

"Kyoko-Chan you are allowed to talk about whatever you have witnessed.", Shinohara-San said me politely and I gave him a sweet little smile.

"So, about the incident, Rei and I were sitting on that open area, chatting among ourselves then Hiroshi appeared from nowhere and said, "How dare you harass Kyoko-Chan!!! Should I report this to the office or should I punch on that ugly face of yours!!!" to Rei." I said while mimicking Hiroshi's voice, "and at that moment Hiroshi grabbed Rei's collar and tried to punch him and in self-defence Rei grabbed Hiroshi's wrist and flipped him."

"THAT'S A TOTAL LIE!!", Hiroshi said in a loud tone.

"Stop lying Hiroshi-Chan!!", Shinohara-San said in a angry tone.

"Well, if you ask me that at that situation what I would have done, my actions would simply be 'Same'....it's not like I didn't tried to stop Hiroshi; I REALLY tried but this dumb person didn't even listened to me and on the other hand Rei REALLY listened to me and stopped himself from taking things too far.", after a pause I said, "from the core of heart I really feel that whatever Rei did was right, his actions were not wrong; and that's it I have nothing more to say on this matter."

Uchino-San and Tokage-San was literally out of words and there was a pleasant smile on Shinohara-San's face, while Hiroko's soul has already left his body.

"Ok Kyoko-Chan! We believe on you and therefore, Rei won't face any punishment. BUT Hiroshi, for trying to manipulate us you will have to face a punishment and that is you will loose the post of Class leader and this responsibility will be given on Kyoko-Chan's shoulder because she is capable enough to maintain peace and that's it. Now you all may go back.", Shinohara-Chan remarked.

Well well well, now look at that sad face~

After the statement of Shinohara-San, we three left the room.

"umm....Kyoko-Chan thanks~~"

"Thanks?? For what?"

"Because you saved me from the punishment!!!"

I placed my palm on Juuzou's cheek and said him, "Aww honey, did you really thought this was all just for you? Nahh it's obviously not!! More than helping you I have helped myself......Can't you see that I have successfully kicked Hiroshi from his place and I broke his ego!! This day couldn't have gone much better~~~ Thanks to you Juuzouuu~~~", I gave him a smile.

Damn! Today my devils are talking too loudly. Hope I didn't hurt Juuzou much with those sadistic words.

Juuzou's face was blank and I was unable to read his face. "Hope to see you around, Juuzou.", saying this I left the place.

Sometimes I don't get it if I should be happy or sad with my devils, one time it does everything right and the other moment it ends up hurting someone. Sigh!

Juuzou I am sorry if I have hurt you with those words.

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