~Chapter 22~

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After writing the letter, I decided to go to the CCG to submit that letter today.

"Well well Kyoko, doesn't it feels good? I know it does. Don't worry about your parents.... If they can't accept the reality then I'm just gonna leave it to them~ You are eighteen now!! So you are totally capable of earning by your own! Now let's go Kyoko, the resigning letter is getting excited!!", then I left my apartment and headed towards the CCG.


"Houji-San, I want to resign from this job!"

"Kyoko-Chan, are you sure about that?"

"Yes I am sir! I brought my resigning letter too!"

"Ok! If you want this then I have no problem with that, submit the letter and do some paper works and then you are free to leave."

"Thank you very much, Houji-San!"

"But I would like to know the reason without any lies and I have a request too."

"oh well, what's the request?"

"Request is that, today is your last day here so please for today stay here and please leave when your past shifts used to end. Can you keep this request?"

"Well I can definitely do that, sir. But may I know the reason pleace?"

"You were like my daughter and I would love it if you would stay here in your last say", Houji-San gave me a sweet smile.

"Ok sir!"

"Now please tell me the reason, why are you leaving?"

"Sir the thing is that, yesterday night when I was returning home late, I was attacked by three ghouls! They didn't got the chance to hurt me but they attempted to do so..."

"I am listening..."

"So umm... when one of those ghouls tried to attack me, Juuzou showed out of nowhere and started killing those ghouls....He was literally cutting them into small pieces and he was enjoying while doing that...."

"ok! I guess I need to say this to Shinohara."

"Sir please don't! I promised him that I won't say his name.... and also he saved me so I owe him something..."

"Ok fine!"

"...and not only that, he also took care of me after I got unconscious after seeing that sight....please Houji-San don't inform this to Shinohara-San!"

"Ok I won't."

"Thanks!! Now I will go to do my paper works...Thanks again Houji-San."

Then Houji-San handed me some papers and asked me to fill those and collect my other belongings. So, I went to my desk and started collecting my other belongings and then went for my paper works.

"Hey Kyoko! Whatcha doing??"

"Oh! Just doing some paper works~"

"wait! Didn't Juuzou informed that you won't come today?"

"Yup he did!"

"I don't know why that baka did this! Fucking bastard! I got so worried for you."

"Worried? For me? Why?"

"Because I-"

"Do you know walls have ears too? Seidouuu~", Juuzou said while coming inside the room.

"Juuzou you? I thought you won't come today...", I asked him, confused.

"HEY DO U THINK I'm AFRAID OF YOU!!", Seidou started shouting on Juuzou.

Yet Juuzou ignored Seidou and answered my question, "Well, I saw you leaving for the office so I decided to come too...after all much time is not left~"

Ahh this sounds so beautiful 'much time is not left'

"HEY YOU DARE IGNORE ME!!", Seidou was still shouting. Juuzou pinned Seidou to the wall and said him in a creppy tone, "You dare oppose me mortal!", Seidou was already too scared to answer.

"Boys boys! Stop fighting! Today I'm here for a good time, not a long time~"

Then Juuzou let go of Seidou, "YOU FREAK I-".

"SEIDOU!! Will you shut up man?!"

"Kyoko why are you supporting this freak??"

"Seidou believe me I'm not in a mood to fight! Please give me some time, leave me alone!"

"ok fine!"

"Seidou you may go now and Juuzou if you want you can stay~"

"I can??"


Then Seidou left us alone.

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