~Chapter 20~

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My brain was asking me to run and on the other hand my heart was asking me to stay there.

Why should I even move? Haven't I wanted to die all this time? Now that my time has come, what am I fearing for?

While my mind was in a constant fight on 'should I run for my life of not', my legs were already frozen. Is this good or is this bad? I softly closed my eyes, took a deep breath knowing that I won't be alive for long.

So, that's how it's going to end, huh?

"Ahh who the fu-", the sudden cry made me open my eyes and look.

The guy that was in front of me was now having many knives pierced on his body.

I know those knives!

I looked back to see the person who just threw those knives.

"Juuzou...?", he was looking too aggressive at that moment.

He came running towards me and pushed me aside and kept throwing his knives towards those ghouls, none of the knives missed it's target. The place was flooded with blood within seconds. The smell of the blood and the bloody sight was making me feel dizzy. I felt like my eyesight was getting blurry and then suddenly everything went all dark.

~Juuzou's POV~

"Hang in there, hang in there, don't die!!", I kept stabbing the last ghoul left, "Aww you broke~".

"It feels so good when I get rid of these nasty ghouls!! now that I have killed all of them, I guess I should look for Kyoko, she looked so freaked out~"

When I turned around I saw that Kyoko was lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Damn! Now what should I do with her??", I asked myself.

"Nah I can't leave her here, but how do I take her inside her apartment?? Ugh!! I can't break into your apartment, can I? umm... I can't take you to your apartment but I can definitely take you to mine!! Well then HoneyBun I guess I have to take you to my apartment~"

Then I lifted her on my back, "Damn! You aren't heavy much! But you are an complete idiot!! Why were you glitching at that situation?? You could have easily died!! Dumbo!". After scolding this dumbo I started singing in my way to my apartment.

I know

You belong to somebody new

But tonight you belong to me

Although we're apart

You're part of my heart

And tonight you belong to me.

After a while we reached the apartment.

"Hmm....I guess you need some rest~", then I took her to my bedroom and laid Kyoko's unconscious body on my bed, "I guess you wouldn't appreciate if you were to find me beside you next morning, seems like I have to sleep in the couch tonight, sigh!"


It's already 9AM and she's still sleeping. I was sitting beside the bed and was looking at her, "Oi! Are you dead?", I asked her while poking her cheeks, "No, don't die on my bed!! Or else Shinohara-San's gonna kill me!!"

"ughh....I should just let her rest....", I said while playing with her hair, "well~ How about I make some coffee for you, you love it, don't you?~".

I went to the kitchen to make some coffee for us.

~Juuzou's POV ends~

When my eyes opened, my vision was still a bit blurry but I could see, "Where am I? What place is this? Someone's room maybe."

After failing to remember how I ended up here, I got up from the bed and saw a door. Decided to open the door. When I was about to hold the door Knob, the door opened by it's own.

"Hey Candy!! So you are finally conscious~~ see what I brought for ya~"


"Stop freaking out!"


"StOp FreAking OuT!!"


"STOP FREAKING OUT!!!", Juuzou scolded me in a loud voice.

"Why are you scolding me!!"

"Coz you getting all freaked out!! Just calm tf down!!", I frowned.

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