~Chapter 17~

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On the day of my first meeting.

"So Kyoko-Chan are you ready for the meeting?"

"Yes Houji-San!"

"Ok then let's go inside."

After we entered the meeting there were already two man, Shinohara-San and another man.

"This is the first time we've been in the same unit.", Houji-san said while shaking hands with that unknown man.

"Houji-San you are here too...We haven't been in contact for quite a while.", the anonymous man said.

"By the way meet Kyoko she's my subordinate."

"Oh! Hello nice to meet you, I'm Koutarou Amon."

"Hi I'm Azumaya Kyoko, Nice to meet you gentleman!", then we shook our hands.

Then after sometime Seidou rushed in ".....I am Takizawa Seidou....". He was literally blabbering in front for the seniors.

Juuzou was supposed to be in this meeting, where the fuck is he?

The meeting started and everyone was talking about the 'investigator killings' in the 9th, 10th and 12th wards. Suddenly the killings in these wards have been too much. The Binge eater, the Gourmet and the Rabbit where the once attacking all over these wards. They said that if this continues then it will be a huge problem. Those ghouls are trying to crush the CCG. Finally, the work assigned to our group was to catch the gourmet.

While the meeting was going on, suddenly Shinohara-San's cell phone rang up. "...Hello?...Yes, Yes. Err, yeah. Umm, that's right...He wouldn't happen to have any stitches on his arm, would he...? ...He does...? ...Ahh then there's no mistake about it. Yes. Okay. Ahh. I...Understand. I'll be right there."

"It's him.", Seidou said with a anger in his voice.

"Him?", Amon-San asked curiously.

"The 'Problem child'."

The problem child? Now who's this human? Stitches? As far as I remember Juuzou also had a small stitch on his cheek. Is this some kind of trend?


"Hey Kyoko!"

"oh hi Seidou! You are going to the meeting right?"


"Good, I'm going there too"

"Ok then let's go there together."

Then we both proceeded to walk towards the meeting room.

"Good morning.", Seidou said

"Good morning everyone!", I said cheerfully.

Oh Juuzou is here too!

"...!Good morning, Seidou and Kyoko.", Amon-San exclaimed.

"Mornin'", Juuzou cheerfully said.

"...Juuzou, put that candy away, This is a meeting room!", Juuzou heard takizawa's words but yet decided to carry on.

"GONNA IGNORE ME!? YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN ME, AREN'T YOU!?", Takizawa started yelling on Juuzou.


Immediately, Takizawa got a punch on his nose and his nose started bleeding.

I facepalmed, "Umm..Seidou take this piece of cloth it may help you in stopping the bleeding."

"Thanks Kyoko-Chan!", Takizawa said while holding his bloody nose.

Then Shinohara-San and Houji-San came inside the meeting room and the meeting started. They were taking about gourmet and the binge eater. Juuzou on the other hand was continuously asking for a new quinque because his now quinque is too small.

After a while we all left the meeting. "Seidou...is your nose ok?", I asked him aggressively.

"...Did you nose stop bleeding?", Amon-San asked.

"A bit...", Seidou said in a broken voice.

Then Juuzou caught my wrist, "Hey CuppyCake, Seems like you have forgotten about me~", he asked while smiling.

"What? Of course not!!"

"Then come with me! Let's go to a nearby café~~"

I shrugged off Juuzou's hand, "I have some other work, right now I can't come with you."

"By 'other work' do you mean hanging with Seidou??", his face was a few inches away from my face and he was literally giving me a death glare.

"HEY BAKA STAY AWAY FROM KYOKO!!", Seidou yelled at Juuzou again.

"Want me to cut that tongue of yours~~", Juuzou said while taking out his little knife quinque.

Immediately I held Juuzou's Hand, "Juuzou! Stop doing this!! There's no need to do all these.", I yelled at him.

He then looked at me with anger in his eyes and then left the place without saying a word.

"Seidou are you okay?"

"Yes Kiyoko! Thanks for asking."

Then we smiled at each other.

"So you said him 'no' for that reason isn't it?"


"Hmm...but you must be hungry isn't it? Let's go to a nearby restaurant."

"But you gonna treat me~"

"Ha ha okayyy."

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