~Chapter 10~

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"Hmm...I guess now we gotta make a schedule."

"Yeah but make sure to keep some days off in-between~~"

"Definitely kitty!"

"So...would you like to practice at day or in night?"

"Of course day!! I don't wanna stab myself or you or some random living thing."

"Ok then!! So we gonna study at night right?"

"Yup! But where we gonna study??"

"Of course in my hostel room~~"

"But you live in Boy's hostel and I'm in girl's hostel and as you know that neither of them are allowed in each other's hostel..."

"Yeah! But both girls and boys can visit each other's hostel till 9:30 PM~"

"Oh yeah you are right! I literally forgot about this rule but still I would like to stay in the safe sight and will ask Akio-Sensai for permission!"

"As you wish~~", after a pause Juuzou said, "Ok! After school which ends on 2:30 PM, we both will go for lunch in the canteen and from 3:30 PM we will start our training and will end the training at 5:30 PM."

"hmm...Sounds legit. Then from 6:30 PM we will start studying and will end on 9:30 PM....Is that okay?"

"Nah reduce the time to 9:00....My brain won't be able to process all these~"

"Oh~~ you have a brain too? I thought it was lost.", I started wheezing.

"Candy! stop that or I won't mind flipping you too like I did to Hiroshi~~"

"Aww I'm scared~~"

"You should be~~", then he held both my wrist and pulled me near his body.

"Oi!! No no no don't-"

"Silly! Of course I won't do that hahaha"

"Hmm...you better don't! Now leave my wrist."

"Mind if I don't~~", he smirked at me.


"Lol no!"


"I will leave your wrist only in one condition....and that is if you promise me to treat with some chocolates~~~"

"Ok but if you won't leave my wrists then how am I supposed to give you your treat?"

"Yeah yeah I will leave your wrists but first promise me!!"

"Ok ok I promise you!", Then he let go of my Wrist, leaving some red marks on those.

"Does that hurt?", he asked while looking at me innocently.

"Nah, not at all~~"

He then gave me a little smile, "Do you know CuppyCake that you are a bad liar?"

"It seriously doesn't hurts."

He then took my both hands gently and kissed on my both wrists, "They say that kisses makes pain go away~~"

At that moment I froze and my brain was processing things slowly.

"It's too late, I suppose we should go to our hostel rooms. Bye Pancake~~~"

When realization hit me, my face went all red.

What the fuck?? Did he just kissed me?!


"Umm...Kyoko-Chan will you stop dreaming with your eyes open??"

"Oh oh! I'm sorry Yumi-Chan, I kinda got lost in my own thoughts."

"Yeah yeah it's ok just try to concentrate in class."


After the class ended Juuzou came towards me, "oi Hunnybun!! You remember right that we will be going to the canteen together?"

"Yeah Juuzou I remember."

"Heh? Juuzou? Wasn't that supposed to be Kitty or something? Are you angry with me about last night??"

"Aye calm down! I am not angry on you..."

"Then why did you used my real name?!"

"Damn okay! I am sorry....Now come on kitty."

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