2020 (25)

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The Thanksgiving reunion was a bit wilder than I was expecting. At some point in the night everyone seemed kinda drunk or tipsy. Even Daisy was stammering her words. Not the Thanksgiving I am used to, but oh well.

"Are you leaving?", Daisy asks me when she sees me picking my jacket.

"Yeah, it's getting late", I say. Other people have already left so I don't think it's such a weird thing to do now.

"Can you drive?", she raises her eyebrows.

"Absolutely", I reply confidently. I had just had a beer hours ago.

"So, uh, can you give me a ride?", she asks again and smiles showing her teeth.

"Fine", I say and she turns on her heels to pick up her stuff. She trips and almost falls with that little move and I know she's still under the effects of alcohol.

I don't mind dealing with drunk friends, but tonight I don't feel like taking care of people, so I hope she gets better by the time I drop her at her place.

I walk ahead of her when I see her coming back and she follows me to the car. I'm about to open my door when my phone starts ringing. I check the screen before I accept the call and my heart instantly skips a beat.

"Camila?", I say when I hear just noise on her side.

"Shawny", she says stretching the vowels.

"Hey, how are you?", I reply extremely conscious that she might be drunk or high, I can't tell.

"I miss you", she whines and the noise in the back seem to disappear after a bang. "Can you come get me?"

"Are you ok?", I freak out a little.

"Yes, I just want to go to bed and no one here wants to leave" , she complains like a little kid and I breathe again because she's actually safe.

Daisy gets in the car and I continue speaking on the phone with my other hand on the door handle.

"Ok, I just have to drop someone at her place and then I can go get you", I tell her. I haven't seen Camila drunk in so long. "Send me your location".

"Oh my God, thank you!" she giggles and I can't help but smile.

"See you in a bit".

"Ok, bye bye", she hangs up.

"New plans?", Daisy eyes me when I get in the car.

"Duty calls", I joke and drive away.

I don't really understand my relationship with Daisy. It just works when she wants it to work. She would be curious about my life and ask me questions, but I can't do the same with her. I barely know her, actually. She controls the radio on the way to her place and hums to the music until we arrive.

"Thank you, Shawn", she says and gets out.

I wait for her to go inside although all I want is to press the gas a drive to Camila. She closes the door to her house and I rush in my way to get my friend that needs my help. Since that chaotic conversation we have kept in touch, mostly checking with each other and making sure we're ok. It feels like the kind of relationship we would've always had if other things hadn't happened.

I call her when I'm outside but she doesn't pick up, so I get out of the car and walk to the front door to knock on it. I have no idea whose house this is, but it's really nice. Lately I've felt like everyone has it better than me and it's a sad realization that I can't let go of.

"Hey... Shawn. What are you doing here?", Kaiden answers the door and immediately frowns. I do the same. I wasn't expecting him to open the door.

"Hi", I clear my throat and try to get my shit together in front of this guy that doesn't look happy to see me. "Camila called me and I'm here to pick her up".

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