2008 (4)

934 70 4

Camila looked at Shawn that had his head on the table during the whole class. He had his back to her so she couldn't catch his eyes to make him wake up and pay attention. She was worried the teacher would see him and get mad at him. Mr. Raymond didn't specially like Shawn since he was late to class almost every week.

Luckily, Mr. Raymond didn't look in Shawn's direction or was just not interested in Camila's friend at all, either way he didn't say a thing and Camila was relieved. When the bell rang and people hurried go get out of the classroom, Camila walked up to Shawn very subtly and tried to wake him up softly, still scared that the teacher would say something if he caught him.

"Shawn", she whispered moving his shoulder but he just groaned. "Wake up".

"I'm awake", he mumbled with his face resting over his arms. "I don't feel good".

"What is it?", she asked him.

"My tummy", he murmured and Camila walked around his desk to face him. She saw his cheek about to burst in flames and touched his forehead. She didn't know much about checking people's temperature but Shawn's was too high to miss it.,

"You're burning", she said worried.

"I want my mom", he whined and Camila decided it wasn't a good moment to make fun of him, so she didn't.

"Mr. Raymond, Shawn's needs to go to the nurse's room", Camila said loudly and the teacher stood up to check on them.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"I think he has a fever", Camila told her teacher.

Mr. Raymond place his hand on Shawn's forehead as well, not so convienced this kid was actually sick. He could be playing to try to get out of school, he had seen those tricks before.

"My God, you have a high fever", he said surprised. "I'll call the nurse".

In a matter of minutes the nurse was by Shawn's side and she took him to her room. Camila followed close behind with their bags. Miss Claudia told Shawn to lay on the stretcher and Shawn had problems getting on it because his tummy hurt so much he could barely move. The nurse asked some questions while the thermometer showed his temperature.

"You need a doctor", Miss Claudia said and told Camila to stay with him while she called his mom.

"Are you ok?", Camila asked him.

"It hurts really bad", he complained holding on to his belly.

"You're not doing this just to get out of school, right?", she raised her eyebrows.

"No", he groaned upset.

"Ok, ok", she replied biting her lower lip. She didn't know how to help him and it sucked because her mom was always telling her they should help each other.

"Camila", he called her just in a whisper.

"Yeah?", she inquired giving him all her attention, standing close by his side.

"I don't feel good", he barely let out.

"I know...", she sighed, she believed him now.

"No, I mean...", Shawn gagged and covered his mouth with his hand and Camila barely had time to hold the trash can for him so he could throw up in there. He was sick, it wasn't a lie.

"Your mom will be here any second...", Miss Claudia was saying when entering the room, before noticing what had happened. "Oh, poor thing. Camila stay with him, I'll clean here".

Camila nodded silently and Shawn laid back on the stretcher, wrapping his arms around his belly that hurt like hell again.

"I wasn't lying", he said, wanting to prove he was right.

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