2013 (33)

807 75 2

[S: I'm hungry]

A few weeks after they had discussed the use of that phrase, its meaning changed. Camila had told him it wasn't meant to be used as a booty call, but Shawn didn't listen and kept doing so. Eventually, Camila gave up and had also caved in.

"Who is texting you?", Jess asked Camila nosy, trying to pick at her phone.

"Just Shawn", she mentioned as casual as she could.

"What does he want?", she asked her friend.

"Nothing, he's just hungry. He probably forgot his lunch again".

That had been an excuse to go away and fool around without other people questioning their motives.

"Where does he have his head. Oh my God", Jess chuckled.

"Right", Camila tried to laugh with her.

[C: Can't right now]

[S: I'm in my car]

[C: I'm with Jess]

[S: I'll be waiting]

Camila put her phone back on her jeans pocket and ignored him. She couldn't just leave her friend alone, she had run out of excuses to do it and she didn't want Jess to suspect anything from her.

"Are you busy after school?", Jess asked her because lately she always had something to do. She figured it had to do with her dad moving out of the house, so she didn't push. That was a hard topic for Camila.

"I don't think so", she replied. "Why?"

"Wanna go get some frozen yogurt? We haven't gone in a while".

"Ok, cool, yes. Do we tell the guys?"

"No, let's just go the two of us".

"Sounds good", she smiled.

Shawn waited in his car until he realized Camila wouldn't join him. Fuck. He was flustered and had been excited to see her. He eventually got out and joined a few other friends on his free period. He would catch up with her after school.

However, Camila wasn't at home when he went to see her.

"She's with Jess", Sofi told him. "Are you teaching her how drive again?"

"Yeah, exactly", he nodded. That was the excuse they had come out with at home just recently.

"Can you teach me instead?", Sofi opened her eyes.

"Uhm... I don't think so, Sofi. Sorry. Maybe in a few years, ok?", he crooked a smile. She nodded even though she was disappointed.

He said goodbye and went back home.

Where was she? Was she avoiding him on purpose? It couldn't be, right? They had been talking normal, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Maybe it was all in his head. They had hooked up just a few days ago and everything was good. There was no reason to think otherwise. He wished his body could just keep it together.

He called her just to be sure but she didn't pick up.

Ok, maybe something was wrong.

He texted his friend just to kill some time and played videogames, but his mind kept going back to her friend. It wasn't until late that he realized he had been thinking about Camila all day, nonstop. The feeling didn't sit right with him and he told himself it was because he was just a horny teenager and didn't have the same dynamic with anyone else. Maybe it was time to find someone else...

That thought roamed his head for a while. He had got some experience, he was sure other girls would appreciate his skills now. He toyed with the idea and some names appeared on his mind until a text notificacion appeared on his phone.

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