2013 (31)

674 70 9

Shawn sat on the bench by the wall on the locker room after PE class tying his shoe laces and Luke let himself fall on the space next to him.

"I'm done", Luke groaned tired. "I feel like I was smashed out there".

"You were", Shawn laughed remembering how he landed on his butt while playing soccer.

"I'm not made for this, man. I don't know how you have all this energy all of a sudden. We were supposed to be lazy together. Nick is the athlete here", his friend complained.

Could it be? Shawn thought. Maybe his stamina and the serotonin his brain was producing had some positive effect beyond the obvious one.

"I don't know", he shrugged.

"Not, but seriously..." Luke insisted. "You look different".

"Different how?", Shawn asked and stood up to pick his gym bag.

"More relaxed? Happier? Better mood?", his friend wondered out loud.

"You're crazy", Shawn laughed to divert the attention.

"If I had to guess, I would say you're getting laid", Luke said casually, not really believing his own words.

Shawn froze and stayed quiet. He didn't know what it was worse, to tell him and have the big secret out, or to lie to his best friend. He was so quiet that Luke grew suspicious of him.

"You're kidding", Luke sighed in disbelief and hurried to stand next to Shawn and look at his eyes. "Are you...?"

Was it really that easy for people to know when he was lying? It wasn't fair.

"Man, I swear to God, if you're going to town with someone and you aren't telling me, I'll be devastated", his friend warned him.

"Why you care so much?", Shawn said but his comment didn't ease Luke's concerns, they did quite the opposite actually.

"You fucking are", the blond chuckled and cheered for him somehow still in disbelief.

"Shut up", Shawn demanded between his teeth and started to walk away to his next class.

"I can't believe this", Luke continued rambling next to him. "How? When? With who?"

"I haven't said anything", Shawn protested avoiding Luke's eyes.

"It's written in your face, dude. You're glowing", he bugged Shawn. "Now tell me".

"There's nothing to tell".

"Why? Is it someone I know?"

"Go away".

"Ok, hear me out", Luke said in a more serious tone. "Is it a boy or a girl? You know all be happy for you either way".

"It's obviously a girl", Shawn was quick to answer. His stupid, immature and fragile straight male ego couldn't keep quiet about that.

"Damn!", Luke jumped and cheered now that he had confirmation his friend was having sex. "You tiger".

"Oh God, shut up", Shawn begged realizing his mistake.

"You've gotta tell me who she is. This is huge man, why hadn't you said anything?", Luke asked him with surprise.

"I won't say a thing, ok? It's not your business".

"You're weird. If it was me, I'd be telling you all about it. Wait... Are you ashamed? Was it bad? Were you bad?"

"I'm not bad", his ego spoke again.

"Shawnie boy", Luke whined using Camila's nickname for him, he obviously didn't know how sarcastic that was for Shawn. "You've grown so much".

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