Chapter 2

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The sight of Iida made Midoriya feel welcome as he beckoned them forward towards the palace. As the two dismount their horses, Midoriya once again is reminded that his advisor is significantly taller than him.

"It is good to see you again your majesty"

If you thought there was no such thing as too formal, then you clearly haven't seen the extent at which Iida will go to make sure the royal family knows they are respected in his eyes. Midoriya has in fact informed him multiple times to just refer to him as his surname as is custom for people of friendly relationships, but to no such luck as he cannot recall a time when he has not been called 'your majesty' accompanied by a full ninety degree bow.

"Hi Iida, I told you just to call me Midoriya, I consider you a friend"

At this comment the advisor seemed to get temporarily flustered but responded articulately.

"What would the other staff members or your family think if I started to address you by your name"

"They would think we were friends, are we not?"

A slight blush adorned the usually stoic and serious teens face as Midoriya knew he won.

"I-If you insist, I will try my best your hig- Midoriya"

The prince smiled at this warmly, feeling accomplished that he finally broke through his shell. He has a lot of respect for how serious he takes his position, but it's nice to have a break from the seemingly 'walking on eggshells' mentality he has in cases of manners and formalities.

"Are you prepared for your meeting in the following days"

"Yeah, I actually was just talking to Uraraka about this"

At the mention of the girls name, Iidas composure was seemingly replaced with a soft, small smile and a slight blush. To someone who hadn't been paying attention it would have slipped passed them in an instant, as was the case with Midoriya.

"Are you packed for the trip? You'll be there for a week, this is including a two day trip there and the two days back."

"Yes, I've been ready for like a week"

"I'm just confirming, I don't mean to offend you in any way!"

And with that he had reverted back to his old, incredibly strict state, including a full bow and apology. Before he can reassure him that he's fine and no offense was taken from the words, Midoriyas attention was drawn to his guard as she was going down a different hallway than they were.

"Where are you going?"

This seemed to grab Iidas attention too as he lifted his head to observe what scene the words were describing.

Instead of giving any explanation, like anyone would in a situation similar to this, (Y/n) simply bowed respectfully and went down here respective hallways towards her destination.

The weird action left both of them in confusion, and a strange sense of awe.

Midoriyas curiosity got the better of him and he decided just to ask his friend if he had any ideas as to why she never talked out loud.

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