Chapter 32

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Unlike the west, the eastern horizon was not visible as it was covered by the tree line. The reunion between the two pairs was cut and they set off in different directions, (Y/n) and Midoriya heading straight in while Bakugou and Kirishima were going to enter the Forrest a couple miles down.

"I'll see you guys in three days I guess"

Kirishima smiled, the two nodded in response and they went their respective directions. The Forrest was thick compared to any woods they had ever seen. The trees were tall and pine, the sky was barely visible, the only light they were able to see was where it crept through the branches, the twigs casting twisted shadows. There was a small mist beginning to form the further they walked, though the air was dry.

By far the most disturbing part was just how quiet it was, they felt out of place by simply walking, their footsteps echoed. They couldn't hear anybody else despite only walking for about 30 minutes so far.

(Y/n) felt the small bundle of torch wood she had strapped to her hip, around 3 days worth. They figured there would be enough sticks in the Forrest for the trip back, and they were right.

"Maybe now would be the correct time to use light"

She hadn't even realized that the light mist had turned into a fog subtly.


He took out his flint and steel to set the end of the branch aflame.

The fire is beautiful, moving towards the center of the Forrest with ease. They hadn't even noticed the small breeze before hand. While they walked Midoriya became acutely aware of his clothing. It felt nice to not have dirt on them and the holes had been patched up nicely. They were lucky they found that camp or he wouldn't know what they would be doing.

Memories of the past flooded his head. That had been happening a lot recently, a form of escapism really, he thought back to "the good old days" when they were younger. The way he played so carelessly, and read everything in sight. He always heard older people say this would be the best time of his life so he better enjoy it, why was that.

All he could think of was when he was a child, still innocent and untouched by any responsibility. Those memories seemed cherished to him, he wished he could go back and live like that, so effortlessly.

But he couldn't. That was the part he always hated, that he couldn't travel back in time and live forever in a paradise. Of course he didn't know at the time what the luxury was, he didn't know he was making memories, all he knew was that he was having fun.

What if that was it, he couldn't explain it to himself but it was it. It just felt right, that while nostalgia was good and all but people kept living through their past memories, trying to escape their lives instead of trying to make new memories.

Obviously, this wasn't the ideal situation, he would definitely have a lot of bad memories from this whole thing going on. He looked over towards (Y/n) for a moment.

'Well maybe not all of them were bad'

His heartbeat quickened. It was a nice feeling, it gave him a quick shot of adrenaline. 'Have I ever made her feel like this?' He wanted to ask her but the silence was so loud as he was soon finding out.

His thoughts traveled back to her, mainly how she teased him during training and how it would coerce the same reaction out of him. He got an idea on the more devilish spectrum.

What if he kissed her.

He flushed a bright red, why would he think about that. Now of all times. Isn't your first kiss supposed to be romantic and sweet, they were in the middle of a crisis.

Then again, it would be memorable, to say the least. No, it was a bad idea, maybe later.

But when would later come, if he kept putting it off then he would never be able to... you know. He couldn't even think of the word without blushing.

He's read romance novels, not many, but enough. The common story is that when two people confess their feelings towards each other they have a huge dramatic kiss. But that didn't happen, they hugged.

Would it have been better if they had kissed. I mean it was an amazing hug, probably the most romantic thing that he could think of. Izuku had read countless stories that were rushed, was a kiss at confession rushed, or standard practice. Who knows, maybe they were just strange.

Maybe when they were back at the castle, yeah, he would do it then. He wouldn't wait for her, he would just ask (Y/n) if he could kiss her and he would do it. Only if she said yes obviously but he would be the one to initiate it.

Now he had modulation like no one else to defeat all for one as soon as possible. He unintentionally quickened his pace.

She followed suit.

He took her hand into his and they walking, only guided by a torch into the unknown.

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