Chapter 9

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Dear Diary,
it's the last day at Todorokis palace. While I'm disappointed that we have to leave, I do not regret anything right now. Everything has been so wonderful recently it's a bit worried, is it a sign of bad times to come in the future? (Y/n) has slowly but surely opened up to me more and more with each passing hour we spend in the library, the books seem to allow her comfort in sharing details about her life, like how her last name is really (L/n). That's what she just told me today. Would it be rude of me to continue to call her by her first name? I think I'll ask her when I get the chance to. OH! She also apparently has three siblings, two of them older and one younger. She's still silent around the others, it kind of makes me feel important in all my honesty. I've read a lot as well! It confirmed that the context might actually be different than what we think it is, we just need to find out who the author is. It was presented to us my All might. Oh he's so cool, if I wasn't a prince I would do want to be him, maybe that's why she wanted to become a royal guard. Anyways, we're planning on having the other four scouting in order to either find All might or All for one. Though it's unlikely they'll be able to find much because we're pretty sure he's in the forest.
Until next time, Midoriya.

In about four days I will be taking off with half of my fleet. I'm leaving the other half to go the opposite way around the country. We can complete this journey in about two and half of a month, or at least that's the estimate. In order to keep my sanity I have decided to start keeping a journal again. Ever since she started traveling with others I have been a bit lonely, I do have Todoroki but he isn't the same. I think she's traveling in the forest about now, I hope she's careful. I admit I don't know much about it, I mean no one does, but the power that apparently radiates off of it is dangerous if left in the wrong hands, but I guess that's obvious considering our current situation. It's hard to believe that he has been reigning terror for over 200 years, and he doesn't seem to be getting any weaker from accounts from throughout his rise to power. I doubt he's hiding alone the coasts, but there's a chance that All might could be located there, he hasn't been spotted in months. It's all very strange.

I know Katsuki says it's dumb to write in a diary, this is a journal so it's okay! I can't wait to start traveling again. Well technically I am traveling right now but that's besides the point. I can't wait to finally transform, it's only been a couple days but it kind of feels like I haven't stretched in ages. Once we get back home we're leaving for about seven weeks, realistically though we probably won't be able to find all for one. For some reason the forrest where he probably is doesn't allow me to be in my dragon state, the magic just repels it I guess. Due to this I don't think we'll find out much but you never know! The situation is becoming really serious really quickly. We think he's going to try and make a move soon, he's getting stronger, and we don't know how powerful he is. Katsuki and I both know this, that's why I think he yells all the time, to make people think he doesn't think it's a big deal then the others won't worry or give up so easily. OhnohereadthatIhavetogobecauseIdontwanthimtokillanyonegoodbye!

While the three of them wrote down their thoughts it calmed them, writing down the obvious seemed to make everything okay for a few moments. Even though only three of them wrote there were four who were smiling.

After she read the letter for probably the hundredth time that week, (Y/n) tucked it away in her bag safely and smiled to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

Hey, this is a bit strange I'm updating in the morning! I have virtual classes today and English isn't that exciting to be transparent. I tried to format this chapter a bit differently, tell me if you like it like this if you do, it was interesting to write like this! The question for today is who do you simp for in other anime's? Personally it's Armin from Aot and Kurapika from HxH.
I hope you have a good morning, day, and night!

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