Chapter 35

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Hands intertwined, their eyes widened at the sight. It was a simple building, a cobblestone structure with pillars on a hangover before the entrance.

There was no door but impossible to see inside. 

Like a switch had gone off in his head, Izuku felt his stomach churn. This was it, this was what they were looking for. This was where they would fight all for one.

There was no possible way of knowing this fact, the probability was nearly impossible, but he knew. Like that feeling you get when you've dreamed of the exact scenario playing out in front of you and you know what's going to happen next.

A slight breeze kissed his face and it gave him chills.

His breath silenced, he could hear his heart pounding.

He hadn't dreamt of this, why did he know he would fight All for one. Why did he even think he knew that. He couldn't fight all for one. That was the job of the army right?

Then what was he doing here, why was he here, he had almost forgotten entirely before he felt a light squeeze on his hand. His heart tinged.

He looked up at (Y/n)s face. He looked at her, his beloved, in that moment she had never looked so stunning. She had dirt smudges on her face and her hair was frizzy, but the sun shined off of her and made her glow. She looked ethereal.

He looked down at her lips before catching his breath. What was he doing again?

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah"

She smiled slyly at him and let out a small chuckle.

"Are you sure? You looked pretty zoned out there for a while"

He let out a small laugh as well and looked downwards, slightly pink. He smiled at her teasing, he liked it.

"Shut up"

Another breeze, this one caught (Y/n)s attention.

"What the?"

"What is it?"

"... there's a breeze"

He now realized the weirdness of that, maybe that's why he felt so out of place. There hadn't been a single breeze the entire time they were in the Forrest, why all of the sudden?

They both looked at each other, expecting the worst.

The only friendly source of wind they could think of was Kirishima, and he couldn't transform in the woods.

They just stood there and listened.


Absolutely nothing.

But not the normal nothing.

The normal nothing was because no one was there, this was because no one or nothing wanted to be there. Their faces palled.

Izuku signals to go right and (Y/n) follows.

There was a thick part of the woods about 100 yards away.

Izuku felt his eyes prick with tears and a sudden wash of grief.

He held (Y/n)s hand even tighter.

What was happening.

Hey so uhhhh yeah. I'm back! Finals have got me stressed and I've been quite busy but I should be getting more free time soon so I figured I wouldn't leave you guys hanging! Emphasis on should I can't make any promises. Thank you to everyone who voted btw!!! If you haven't that's totally cool, I'm just glad you're here! So yeah, love you guys, have a good morning, evening, and night!

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