Chapter 37

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Warning, the following could be considered a bit gory by some people's standards

Kirishima ran over to Bakugou, nudging him, calling out to him, anything. He was brave enough to admit when he was scared, and he was damn terrified. Not only by All for one, but by the blind rage behind the assault being committed.

He heard war cries and metal tear into flesh as he tried ever so desperately to get Bakugou awake.

He checked his pulse

'He's still alive, thank Hylia'

He heard a scream, Kirishima turned around just in time to see black blood pooling below all for one.

Again and again, strike after strike, tearing into the monster before him. And the screaming continued.

All for one was taken aback by the sudden flurry of attacks, but he did t have time to recover as they were more relentless than anything he had ever seen before.

It just kept coming, and infinite amount of energy seemingly from no where, and the adrenaline rush didn't seem like it would stop any time soon.

He felt a sword plummet through his lung, he collapsed in order to regenerate but it was just pulled out and stabbed into him, over and over and over.

The scene witnessed by Kirishima was brutal, even cruel. It was hard to watch but he couldn't keep his eyes off of the attack, and he couldn't move. He could only sit by Bakugou as his eyes fluttered open to the sound of screaming, ones of both pain and fury.

Bakugous eyes focused enough to see the stone ceiling above him and he coughed, gaining Kirishimas attention.

He placed his hand over his and swallowed thickly, continuously glancing over.

The smell of tar and iron filled the air, it was nauseating and thick, Bakugou felt bile grow in his throat and he gagged. He closed his eyes but all he could hear was the squish of a blade stabbing into flesh.

He opened his eyes to try and unfocus on the noise but he noticed black blood, spritzed on the stone ceiling above him, only specks but they were becoming more plentiful.

"Dear Hylia All for one really must have chosen the wrong day to mess with (Y/n), I mean I know she's strong but this is just-"

Kirishima looked him in the eyes, a look of pity and sorrow. He flinched at a crack that rang out, no doubtably bones being broken.

"What's that look for idiot?"

Bakugou sat up slowly as he hears a soft chuckle and the ruffle of parchment. It was one of amusement, but cruelty and mockery as well.

"So you had your contract on you all along"

All for one tried to breath, but choked on his own blood, pooling into his lungs and mouth.

Izuku knelt down tauntingly, and as Bakugou fully took in the scene, he noticed an absence of the (h/c) haired girl and began to scan the room for her.

Izuku took his sweet time, ripping the contract into tiny shreds, watching all for ones body disintegrated bit by bit, agonizingly slow.

More screams rang out for what seems like hours until he was gone, and Bakugou continued to stare in horror.

Izuku looked at his hands

No more contract, no more all for one, no more black blood.

But the room still smelled strongly of iron.

Simultaneously, the three of them looked at the girl, the girl why fought with Bakugou, the girl who talked with Kirishima about the stars and braided his hair, the girl whoprotected Izuku and taught him to fight, the girl who fell in love  with the heir to the thrown.

She was in a pool of her own blood,


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