Chapter 8

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As the three boys were finally pulled apart they were in shock to see how absolutely terrifying Todoroki looked. (Y/n) had never seen him genuinely pissed off and she kind of wished she still hadn't. Midoriya looked part annoyed and part traumatized from having to deal with the other two.

Bakugou was just as angry as he usually is so at least there isn't anything new from him. Points for consistency I guess.

They heard a creak behind them and the door was currently being opened, rather shakily by a terrified maid.

"Oh, hi there!"

Kirishima, seeing as he was definitely the most charismatic of the group decided to speak up.

"Sorry, were we being too loud"

He flashed her a smile that made her face flush. That was a mistake. As Kirishima realized what was about to happen she spoke up.

"I was just sent to inform you that dinner is about to-"

"I'll kill you"

Ahh yes, Bakugous time to shine. Because if you didn't think you needed any other reason to avoid him at all costs, he also apparently was the most jealous person in the mortal realm. Paired with his violence and knack for screaming this made for a terrifying combination but that isn't exactly what made that sentence send chills up all their spines. The fact that he felt the need to suppress his anger because of the pure rage he was experiencing had everyone in the room silent.

"I would just leave"


To tell you she booked it after Yaoyarozu spoke was an understatement. It was at this point they realized that they probably needed to know what she was going to say. This was brought to everyone's attention by the equally as traumatized Midoriya.

"I think she was about to say that dinner was ready"

At least Todoroki was now visibly calmed down and not wanting to deal with the absolute wrath that was seething from the other prince, everybody without looking back just left like nothing happened, except for Kirishima who walked with I'm near the back of the group.

As they seated themselves at their respective plates, conversation began to flow. Anything from what was being served that night to the current social economic climate in their respective kingdoms was discussed. To anyone from the outside perspective it would seem like everybody didn't entirely hate at least half the people seated.

"So girl, do you just not speak voluntarily? It's inefficient if you want my opinion"

(Y/n) in fact didn't want Enjis opinion on her communication skills. She almost spoke up out of spite in fact.

"But on the contrary you are very efficient in stopping all for ones monsters, if you could do me a personal favor and help with a certain situation that would be lovely"

Inko wasn't the only one who hated his guts, (Y/n) on the outside kept a completely blank expression, but inwardly she has already broken his nose.

"You mean the Lynel?"

Inko wanted to make sure she was understanding I'm correctly, the audacity he had to ask her sons royal guard to get rid of a problem he had as a 'personal favor' absolutely infuriated her.

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