Chapter 27

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The fire between the two of the flickered softly but was intense. Both were warmed by it but heat could only provide with a limited amount of comfort.

(Y/n) and Midoriya are sitting on opposite sides, they haven't spoken in the few hours since (Y/n) had woken up. A day since the attack but both of them were still reliving each moment vividly.

The sun was beginning set for the second day. (Y/n) stood up.

"Are you hungry?"

Her tone was dead. The voice in all its dynamics that Midoriya had grown to adore was replaced by one that was monotone. He couldn't blame her.

He just nodded.

He was afraid of crying again. He didn't even know how he still had tears left in him but he could still feel them coming.

She just nodded back and left with a bow and arrows.

They were lucky that the corrupted had weapons on them that they had left behind in the panic. She wondered who's it had been.

She had killed someone.

She had so many reasons why she shouldn't have, so many promises she had made to herself, but she killed someone.

Someone who had a family, someone who had friends. She could have taken someone's sibling, lover, child, parent, she was directly responsible for all the pain that they would feel from their loss.

It was her fault.

She could say it was because she was tired, disoriented, or that it was her duty, but that's how it all starts. All the people who kill for a living, or even just for fun. There's always a first time, was this hers?

She shot two finches from a tree and picked them up. It was just for food she told herself.

(Y/n) prepared them quickly so she wouldn't have to think about it too much. She began to walk back to their makeshift camp.

Would she have to kill again though. What if they were attacked again. What if she had to kill someone again. She caught herself thinking that. 'She had to'.

She didn't have to, the choice of that persons life was up to her and she chose to end it. She could have knocked him out, but then what, what if they had kept attacking them. No one was there to interrupt her thoughts, her spiral into the darkest possibilities she could imagine.

Their food tasted bland. It was edible, but they didn't have access to anything other than what was around them. It would feed them but they couldn't focus on that.

(Y/n)s and Midoriyas lives had come crashing down upon them. It hurt. A lot.

By the time they had finished eating the sun had set. The sky was supposed to be one of those clear nights but they kept their heads down. The beauty of the stars unseen they cried. Silently at first but Midoriya broke into soft sobs soon enough.

(Y/n) couldn't comfort him. She didn't know how to as the tears streamed down her face as well. She just couldn't bring herself to go to him no matter how much she wanted to be held.

Instead of holding the boy in front of her she held back her cries.

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