Chapter 42

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Months had gone by, and the deep sadness plaguing Izukus heart had not subsided. He thought of her every day.
The world had moved on, he even had Iida appointed as his new protector. He refused to call him his guardian. His mother, being the brilliant leader she was, had fixed the country, but every morning when he woke up, all he wished was to return to his slumber in hopes he would dream of her.
He wrote a lot, at first it was how he was feeling, then they were love letters promising (Y/n) that he still loved her, then they were bargains.
He begged for her back, prayed the goddess to bring her back, or to at least take him to her. He started getting crazy ideas of making a contract. He promised himself that he wouldn't go that far, he said he was only drafting them hypothetically, that he would never actually go through with them.
Until he did.
The day had started out as any other would, until at breakfast when his mother had mentioned passing the throne down to him.
"You know your coronation isn't too far away, and you've been preparing your life for this, are you ready?"
She had sounded excited to propose the idea to him. He looked up at her, hiding his sadness as best he could, but not enough to stop tears from falling.
Inko was silent as he left, barely touching his breakfast.
He was down from his room soon enough, proclaiming he was going to clear his head, and didn't notice the rolled up paper clutched in his hand.
How he made it to the temple without getting lost was beyond his comprehension, maybe divine interference, who knows.
The alter in which the previous contract resided was intact, not knowing what to do he placed his own draft where one had once sat. He got onto his knees and began to pray, his voice not passing a whisper but filled the deafening silence, until he no longer felt.

His eyes snapped open to the familiar feeling of falling, the blinding white that surrounded him. It had become so familiar in his mind, quickly he looked to his side.

Before he could register what he saw, he hit the ground with a hard thud, but stood up unharmed.
"Hello there dear"
He looked over towards the voice.
The statues had gotten her very accurate, she was very beautiful, very tall, and her energy gave off divine strength and knowledge. He felt measly and powerful looking up towards her.


Helia smiled at him knowingly, glancing behind him often towards the spirit of her.

He noticed and turned around.

All he could see was her (e/c) eyes, of how he dreamed of them often, her (h/c) hair was just how he remembered, her entire being was divine. She looked like a goddess herself. All he could do was stare at her, and let tears fall.

All (Y/n) could do was smile, she gazed at him with such love. He was so lovely, his green hair slightly ruffled, his emerald eyes with a new found light, his cheeks flushed, but freckles still visible. She hesitated before speaking up, wanting him to hear her voice.


All she could manage was more than enough for him, her voice echoing in his head the entire time as he they both sprinted into each other's arms, falling down but still holding each other tighter than they ever had before. They cried, there was an overwhelming amount of emotion from both of them, even in the dullest of places it was the most beautiful scene the goddess had ever seen.

"So you wanted to see me"

He had forgotten he was even there, in the presence of the goddess Hylia herself.

He took (Y/n)s and helped her up, keeping their fingers interlaced when he walked up towards Hylia.

"I would like to create a contract"

(Y/n)s eyes widened and Hylia just smiled.

"I've been watching over you, you've certainly made my job easier to say the least"

With the snap of her finger his draft of a contract appeared infront of his eyes. His eyes scanned it once more even though he knew exactly what it said.

"You want to be with her forever"

She brought her other hand to theirs and got even closer towards him. She sent him thoughts of 'I love you', hoping he would be able to read her mind.


A genuine smile graced her lips as she uttered the phrase she hated to say every time.

"And you know there will be consequences?"

He didn't care, and she knew, but she wanted to preface what would happen.

"In order to be in one persons lives forever, you will have to be forgotten by everyone else, your only record will be with (Y/n), but you will live infinite lifetimes with her. Is that what you truly want?"

He signed with joy and she began speaking once more, but all he could pay attention to was (Y/n).

He cupped her cheek as a second round of tears began to start in both of their eyes. They leaned in so close and shut both of their eyes. Their lips were millimeters apart from each other when they both whispered what they never had the chance to before now.

"I love you"
"I love you"

They pressed together so nicely, still slightly salty from their tears but it was addictive. Their arms clung to each other and they kept their lips interlocked the entire time while they faded.

Their tears were still on the ground even when they were gone, and Hylia didn't have the heart to wipe them away.

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