Chapter 6

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The swift change from shouting to silence and staring was unsettling to say the least.

Yaoyarozu and Bakugou, who were previously going for each other's throats for whichever reason were frozen. All eyes were glued to Midoriya and (Y/n). The silence was deafening while they were all waiting for someone to break it.

Todoroki decided to be the one to try and turn the conversation to anything but what needs to be discussed between the three.

"Midoriya, (Y/n), I'm glad you've arrived here safely."

"Oh, thank you Todoroki it wa-"

"Oh cut the small talk already, we know what we need to discuss"

Bakugou took after his mother in the sense that he got straight to the point. Dodging the obvious was going to get them absolutely no where and the other two were not going to change the subject. Or at least without him intervening.

"Yeah, Katsuki is right."

Kirishima, the one who got through Bakugous shell, he was his closest companion and he had to admit he was a bit worried about the prophecy.

"I visited another oracle about a week ago, they said the exact same thing as everyone else."

Those words were the last thing any of them wanted to hear, but that's unfortunately all that could seem to be spoken by everyone. It seemed that everyone was so okay with the fact that in order to get rid of All for one, two of them had to die.


Bakugou was disappointed, he didn't want to die, I mean no one did. The frustration was building inside of him from everyone saying how he should be honored that he could die to save the world. He hated those people, they were willing to sacrifice him and Kirishima in order to save themselves, what type of person would willingly do that he was only fifteen years old.


Momo was the only one who would willingly shout back at Bakugou, even provoke him at any time. Obviously she didn't want to die either, she shouldn't be thinking about picking a successor to be in charge of her fleet when she had only gained power over it two years ago.

The two of them shouted back and forth relentlessly, and no one stopped them. They feared that silence would be even worse.

Midoriya went deep into thought to try and escape, even if he was thinking about the exact situation. They were all only kids, were they really expected to throw away their lives so easily, when they were still so young. There was just so much happening, All for one has been getting stronger recently, monsters have been showing up more frequently, his influenced have been getting a lot more confident. There's a lot of talk about how he was going to make a move in the next year. Midoriya had two options to what was going to happen in the next year, either he was going to have to take the thrown and watch two of his friends die, or have him and (Y/n) be killed.

This stuck with him, (Y/n), why did she have to die along with him. She could save so many lives, why did any of them have to die. Why would the goddess do that to them. He wanted to see the entire kingdom with (Y/n) without having to worry about All for one. He might not live to see peace,

and that scared him.

"Alright you two that's enough"

Todoroki got Yaoyarozu to back off and as result Bakugou.

"The three of us need to talk about this... in private"

He looked over the the three companions. He meant no disrespect to them, in fact he respected some of them more than the ones he was going to talk to in private. It was just a matter that the three of them probably should make on their own considering they claim their respective throans when they turn sixteen, which wasn't far away.

"Yeah, that's probably tinge best course of action"

While he would have loved to hear the other threes input, they tried that last time and they only ended up siding with who ever they were closest with. It was an uncontrollable biased simply because their point of views were the most similar. Midoriya needed to decide this with the other two on his own.


Bakugou knew that this was the best course of action as well, but he didn't like it because he didn't like Todoroki. Or Midoriya. Or anybody that he wanted to admit to.

Yaoyarozu, Kirishima, and (Y/n) nodded and walked just outside the room and closed the door behind them.


Hey, sorry this chapter was pretty short today, are you guys in any fun classes for school this year? Mine is orchestra and chemistry, but that might just be because I'm a science nerd, idk.
Have a good morning, day, and night!

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