Chapter 30

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Recalling the events of the previous, (Y/n)'s heart flutter. 'Goddesses, when did I become such a romantic'. She smiled to herself and looked over towards him. She didn't want to wake him up because of how peaceful he looked, alas they needed to continue on their journey.

She woke him up softly and she pondered her previous thought as they began to walk again.

Was this their journey, was this her journey? All the great heros people compared her to all had great journeys and stories. Their first grand adventure would be the beginning of their career and the start of their history book. Would this be hers, is this the start of her story. She wondered what her story would be called, who would be in it, how would they portray her. She thought of all her past memories as a soldier. It felt nostalgic to look backwards and see how she grew.

Her face darkened as she thought about her break, the promise she failed to keep. Why was she thinking of the future when she still had problems to solve now. She inhaled deeply but it only managed to change her thoughts, not clear them.

She wondered how Izuku perceived her, when they first met he looked at her as if she was one of the hero's, I mean being the strongest current soldier in his kingdom it made since but it worried her. She knew of many people who fell in love with the idea of someone rather than who they are.

She looked at him unconsciously and he noticed rather quickly.

"Is something wrong?"

He didn't mind her staring, he was actually quite flattering, but her resting face was, well...

She snapped out of it and became apologetic.

"Sorry, I was just thinking, how did your perception of me change as you got to know the truth about me?"

He was caught off guard by the question at hand.

"That was rather philosophically worded"

He chuckled at his joke and began to think of his answer. They were both looking forward and he began.

"It's a difficult thing to answer, but in the beginning you almost didn't seem human to me. I kept hearing gossip going around about how you were this generations all might, so I always thought that you would do things exactly like him, but you didn't, and it scared me if were being honest"

She listened intently and kept her eyes forward.

"You were quiet so it definitely was surprising, but when you started opening up to me, the top of the pedestal that everyone as built you up upon started to become visible, and now we're here"

He smiled at her, also briefly recalling the previous night.

"You give good hugs you know, they make me feel safe"

She blushed lightly and smiled.

"Thank you"

He hummed in response and they continued to walk. He was about to ask the same question towards her when they noticed a blood trail.

She withdrew her sword. She didn't have time to look at it as she scanned the nearby area.

She noticed two people in the distance. One of them had short purple and one had medium length blond. She took a step, snapping a branch to get their attention.

They looked over at her and approached the two. The blond spoke up first.

"Are you guys okay?"

He glanced down at her sword.

"Are you a soldier, do you need refuge"

Izuku responded to his question.

"We were sent to check on any surviving troops"

His face brightened.

"Well the you came to the right place, come on the camp is right up here!"

The two followed them, a camp soon became visible and the went into the center structure.

"So where are you two from"

The one with purple hair spoke up.

"The palace"

Izuku spoke up without any precaution. (Y/n) looked at him in a bit of a shock. She didn't expect him to give away his identity so quickly.

"Wait- your..."

The two of them bowed rather hurriedly. After a bit of explaining further, they found out that their names were Jirou and Kaminari. (Y/n) asked how many casualties there were so far. Their faces lost there previous shine.

"Only about 2,000 troops survived"

They took a moment of silence, maybe to honor them, maybe because they were too shocked to speak up, they didn't know.

"Tell us about the Forrest"

They looked back to the direction where the Forrest was, even through the wall.

They discussed with the about the monsters that resided inside.

"Many of them have made contracts with the goddess Hylia, but didn't use the magic given to them frequent enough."

"The longer it stayed inside of their bodies, the more they descended into madness, all for one has only been so successful because he uses his magic so frequently and knows how to control it."

"Most of them carry their contracts with them everywhere they go, so breaking the text is easy in them at regard at least"

It was unspoken but it was obvious that Midoriya and (Y/n) were planning on traveling inside. Whether to defeat all for one or find other survivors didn't matter at this point.

The moment of silence was broken by Jirou once again.

"You two should stay here for the night before going out"

Kaminari gestured towards a clock that read 6 o'clock. Time really flew while walking.

"Yeah, we have an empty tent the two of you can share."

The two nod. They had one of the best night sleep they had in a while, who knew a sleeping bag could make that much of a difference.

Their wake up call was unexpected to say the least, a familiar voice continued to scream about whatever topic he was currently upset about.

They were to shocked to realize how close they were to each other.

Hey, nothing really new has happened to me recently, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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