Chapter 24

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The distant screams of Bakugou fill the halls. (Y/n)s honestly surprised he still has a voice at this point. The thought is short lived though as Inko speaks up to shed light on what is expected of her.

"In the next few days All for one is most likely going to go back to the Forrest to finish off any soldiers he comes across, I need you to go inform them to report to the emergency shelters immediately"

Inko seemed to grasp at a few words she has yet to speak, but it was obvious. She hadn't mentioned how they were going to defeat All for one and as she looked at (Y/n), breath hitched in her throat she knew what needed to be done.

"You would like me to defeat him wouldn't you"

She asked, the words escaped her throat before they were forced out of Inkos. She knew the queen wouldn't want to put that pressure on anyone, so why not save her the trouble.

"If you are able to, yes"

(Y/n) nodded, she steadied her breathing as best she could and wiped the sweat off of her brow. She felt her hand be lightly squeezed. She had nearly forgotten that her hand was interlocked with Midoriya, she couldn't tell if he wanted to let go so she loosened her grip s tiny bit but he clung to her.

"What would you like me to do"

A loud crash was felt throughout the castle, it caused the ground beneath them to shift.

"I need you to go with (Y/n)"

Izuku froze at that. He couldn't be mad but he was at the same time. His heart ached with worry.

"But what about you, you'll be targeted surely"

His voice cracked, the bond between him and his mother was strong. He leaned forward as if the plead with her to reconsider. His hand fell out of (Y/n)s.

It wasn't taken, it fell. It didn't sit well with her, like how no one likes to fall but he jumped at the slightest opportunity. She knew it was off the sake of his mother but she couldn't help but feel hurt. She didn't want to be alone.

"I'll protect her with my life"

Mitsuki spoke up. Her voice was steady, a calm reassurance in the middle of the chaos. It was true, her and Inko had been friends for their entire lives, and Mitsuki was a very strong warrior. She knew she was able to protect her friend from danger, and Mitsuki prided herself on that.

Izuku said nothing. The disagreement had been short, but it affected him more than any of the hour long arguments he would ever have with Bakugou. Speaking off which the castle was once again shaken. They heard windows shatter and pullers break.

The four of them took off towards their exits, running with each other until the pathway forked.

"I'll protect him with my life, just like I swore to do."

It came out so much weaker than (Y/n) hoped it would have. The physical exhaustion was starting to catch up with her. Her senses were being overwhelmed and it was getting hard to focus.

Inko thanked her but (Y/n) didn't realize, she was too focused on the background noise.

Izuku and Inko embraced warmly but both parties scared. When they let go both of them had tears down their faces.


"Don't say goodbye Izuku, I'll see you when it's over okay"

With the little courage he had left he choked down his cries and just nodded in agreement.

Mitsuki looked at (Y/n). Her eyes seemed glazed over and her breathing was heavy but shakily. She approached her cautiously and placed her palm on the top of her head.

(Y/n) looked up, but the new tears in her eyes made her vision spotty and only able to focus on what was right in front of her. Her lips were slightly parted with no distinct emotion on them, she had chills all up her body.

"You'll make it, I know you can"

Like a switch she suddenly became hyper aware. Her final rush of adrenaline set in quicker than she thought it would. She looked at the other two who had just said their 'I love you's' and were now ready to go.

She took his hand and ran.

She couldn't feel anything, the ache previously in her muscles, the bruises all across her body, the dirt on her skin, not even her own breathing.

Her only focus was on getting out of the door at the end of the hallway, and that's exactly what she did.

No time was spent, she just twisted the door knob and forced her way through. The tree line was about 500 meters away.

She stopped for no one, not even the boy she was practically dragging behind her. All noise was being blocked out so if he was saying something (Y/n) was not hearing it.

All she was doing, all she was able to do was run. Run to whatever small chance they have in  a small woods.

'This must be what people mean when they say fight or flight'

Izuku thought, though his mind was clouded with hundreds of other things to focus properly.

The grip on his wrist was tight, tight enough to probably leave a mark later. He was grateful none the less because he could hardly keep up with her in this state of being.

The tree line was just behind them at this point in time. Also behind them was the once lively palace now vacant. Dusk was setting in.

The nighttime only seems pretty when you can see the stars.

Do you guys play Minecraft? My friends made a server and I can't join because I only have it on my phone. Much sad.
Anyways, good morning, day, and night?

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