Chapter 23

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Insecurity was and still is a social construct. Self consciousness in an illusion created by people who feel they need to be better than everybody else. Though this might be known to many people, it doesn't make it dissolve magically into an abyss. Such was the case with Izuku Midoriya.

He was told his whole life he was weak, that wasn't helped by the fact that he needed a royal guard. He needed to prove to himself that he could defend the people he loved, and as he drew his sword to the Lynel in the hallway, he imagined that this would be it.

The lynel was bigger than any he had ever seen before, even larger than the one on the mountain he had witnessed a couple months before.

Todoroki, Momo, and Enji were long gone at this point, but Mitsuki and Inko wanted to stay back to make sure Midoriya would be okay. Inko was well aware of the vigorous training he had been doing every day, that didn't make her any less worried as the look on his face while he stared at what could be his demise was nothing less than terrified but determined.

Midoriya doesn't get the chance to attack first due to the massive blade being swung at him, so he played defensive and dodged. That was what he was good at and what (Y/n) focused on primarily in training much to his dismay at the time.

He now realized why reflexes were so important, the constant swinging and barrage of attacks coming his way were unrelenting. The few times there were openings to strike back he took but was promptly thrown back. He managed a few slashes on its chest but it barely seemed to be affected.

It had a seemingly infinite amount of stamina while Midoriyas was draining fast. He tried to recall anything from what he knew about Lynel weak spots, but it was hard to remember much when your being attacked from left and right.

Only when it lifted one of its legs did he remember something he was taught.

He recalled her saying

"If you ever don't know how to get out of a situation, go for the Achilles' tendon, it will be difficult but extremely effective if done correctly"

And that's exactly what he did, he charged at the Lynel and was able to get a decent cut at the back of its right front heel while it was caught off guard.

It collapsed to the ground and just as he was about to go for its other one he received a harsh kick sending him crashing to the wall.
He let out a cry of pain and tried to assess his body for any major injuries.

Before he is able to recover its right in front of him. His sword was knocked away from the impact and tears breached his eyes as he realizes this is it.

And as the weapon is swung over the Lynels shoulder in preparation for the final blow he hears a pair of footsteps racing towards him.


*three minutes ago*

With the realization that he is in danger, that her queen is in danger, (Y/n) only runs faster.

Faster and faster, all she can do is run faster, hoping she can make it in time.

She tries to recall how long All for one was transferring power away from the beast, it couldn't have been more than twenty minutes. Now that she thinks back, and I mean way further back, on the three hour way back from the blacksmith there were no monsters in sight.

None at all, there was always at least a bokoblin or two  just roaming around but there were absolutely zero monsters on the plains.

'Was that all of his power'

She thought as she took a sharp right, almost hitting a wall but not slowing down.

It relieved her to some extent if that was true, it meant she could hold her own against one of the biggest threats to humanity. It also meant that Kirishima and Bakugou would be find if he was taking away his magic and feeding it elsewhere.

She heard crashing in the distance and realizing that she's close only motivates (Y/n) to sprint. Sprint like her world would collapse if she didn't, because with would. She couldn't lose, her back was against the wall and all she could do was fight.

As she rounded the final corner with a slide she was face to face with the scene she wished would never come.

Midoriya practically waiting on deaths door.

It sounded so cliché and she knew it, but damn it she couldn't lose him, not yet, maybe not ever.

Still panting from running she used the rest of her breath to scream out in order to distract the Lynel long enough for her to get there.

No it wasn't enough she needed to attack now, she drew her sword and yelled


It worked, both of them looked towards the girl. The girl who looked damn near insane, who was covered in blood, bruises, and dirt. The girl who was charging full force at them with her weapon drawn. The stress of the current situation causing tears to prick at her eyes, cries of frustration escaped her lips as she launched herself forward.

With out a blink she slashed the monsters eyes. Before the pain could even set in she went straight for his arm, cutting it half way off before decapitation.

The monster who once was threatening the lives of the people she swore to protect was now a cloud of black smoke, but that was hardly the concern as the girl who once looked crazy was now crumpled on the ground, desperately trying to breath.

No one could move, or should have been able to move, yet one did.

Tears now fully streamed down her face she approached Izuku, hand reached out to him while the other clutched her stomach. Her hands were slick with sweat, but he could still feel her calloused skin as he was pulled to his feat.

Sword now sheathed, still hand in hand, she walked towards the two queens.

"What are my orders"

Hello, I applied for my first job! It shouldn't affect my uploading schedule though so no need to worry! For the question, what's your dream aesthetic?
Mine is art hoe or plant mom, maybe a mix of both to be honest.
Anyways, I hope you have a good morning, day, and night as usual my lovelies. Peace out!

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