Chapter 21

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This was the day, it had finally come. The day of the attack. Though Midoriya couldn't help but feel underwhelmed by it all. He had always daydreamed about defeating evil himself, but as he got ready for training that morning he figured that this would be better.

'Who knows'

He thought

'Maybe if would be out there fighting I wouldn't be as close with (Y/n)'

He had noticed that recently, majority of his thoughts would come back to her, whether he had initially planned it or not. He also couldn't tell if it was creepy.

'I mean if I love her does that make it okay'

He hadn't even said it out loud and his eyes widened. This had been a prominent debate going on in his mind, how to classify his feelings for her. He only registered what they were like two months ago, what was he exactly supposed to do about them.

I mean he didn't even know if he was allowed to act alone them, like legally. Most people of royal status had arranged marriages, of course there were a few exceptions but emphasis on few.

Before he knew it he was on the ground where he trains every morning, like a routine, but one he fell into willingly. He likes to say he jumped into it, jump was a word he liked.

(Y/n) looked up at the sound of the door opening from the castle.

'Right on time, like usual'

She smiled to herself and approached him with a pair of new glowed in her hand.

"Your gloves are absolutely destroyed, you know that?"

Midoriya examined his hands, she was right but he likes them. The fabric and padding were torn to shreds but the were broken in just how he liked them to be. He looked over at the new ones in her hand, knowing that he would probably spend most of not the entire time for training breaking them in.

"They're fine, they still function properly"

She obviously was not having that because she took his right hand into hers and poked the skin of his palm through a hole in the glove.

She then took it a step further, taking it off and examining the many callouses that seemed knew on his hand.

She glanced between his eyes and his palm as she traced her finger lightly over his skin.

"This is why you need new ones, so your hands don't become destroyed."

The performance he was putting on was Oscar worthy, he sighed on the outside and reluctantly agreed as on the inside he was flipping out.

Yeah he was a bit of a mess, but a lovable mess.

With the new gloves on he began to spar with her, the routine had even gone into how they trained. He had always viewed strict routines, even relaxed ones as evil in a way, having them dictate every move in your life seemed so wrong.

Was he being a hypocrite for liking the one he set for himself at the moment, he got his work done at least, and all the people around him didn't seem to mind. His mother even seemed happy at his better mood, recently he always seemed to smile a little bit brighter, his tone a little bit more enthusiastic, his eyes a little bit wider. They both wished for him to stay like this forever, but he knew that was unlikely.

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